Had the best Christmas break ever.
Now I've to strap myself to the chair and revise like there's no tomorrow.
...that's what I keep telling myself. Someday I may even believe it.
I don't know if you can read that. I almost can't.
Read the article here.
Well, well, well.
We DO have decent experiments to perform in space
No, I'm not going to say "I knew that...they can't be REALLY playing batu seremban and making teh tarik.."
My uncle mentioned in his blog about the dangers of light-hearted statements made in jest being misquoted by the press.
The person who made the statement may well had been misquoted. I do hope, for everyone's sake, that this was the case. Being misquoted is one thing, but I guess one's got to be careful not to make such comments in the first place. Look at how ridiculous we looked in the eyes of foreigners.It's been a good experience so far, the GPs are excellent teachers. I have, however, ruled out general practice as a career option (reasons why will be discussed another time).
Anyway, as I was entering the consultation room today (yesterday actually, since it's already Saturday), I bumped into a friend, who's also a medical student in my year. She was a patient registered under the GP surgery, and I guess she came in for a consultation.
When I went back home later in the day I mentioned to another friend that I saw so-and-so at the surgery. Only just a few moments ago I realized I've breached confidentiality; revealing a patient to another.
Every patient has a right to confidentiality. This includes his/her identity and anything discussed during a consultation. Health professionals have the duty to protect this and reveal to no one except those involved in the patient's care. This responsibility holds true even after the patient's death. Only in certain circumstances can the patient's information be revealed, e.g. if required by law or if the patient can potentially cause harm to another (e.g. when an HIV-positive patient refuses to inform partner of HIV status, and doesn't practice safe sex).
If the patient-doctor relationship is strictly professional, I guess it is easier to maintain confidentiality, by virtue of the fact that when the doctor leaves his office at the end of the day, he leaves his work behind. When the patient is also a friend, and known to others in one's social circle, all it takes is a slip of the tongue to reveal all.
Back to the friend I saw yesterday. You might think it's not that big a deal, since the only thing happened was that I met her in the corridor. It's not like I was present for the consultation or anything. But it IS a huge issue. She has the right to remain unknown.
The reason why I'm relating this story is to remind myself, as well as some of you who, like me, will become doctors soon, God willing. Better make mistakes now than later. Despite my occasional self-deprecating remarks about being a lousy medical student, I DO plan to become a good doctor. Borrowing Aunt Eller's line from Oklahoma! : I don't say I'm no better than anybody else, but I'll be damned if I ain't just as good.
Although I claim myself a Negeri Sembilan girl through-and-through (I was born in Terengganu, but it wasn't my fault my dad was posted there), I have to confess my loghat nogori is abysmal. Oh, I can talk basic nogori, we often crack jokes using the dialect at home. But I can't talk the proper version of it. That's why I won't even attempt to write anything here in nogori, takut kena buang daerah hehe.
Neways, you Negeri Sembilan people out there, how extensive is your vocabulary? Below are over 60 words. I know 25, so I guess it's not that bad. How about you?
1) ANGEK..............hangat, loghat
- angek boto badan budak ni, domam, gek eh!
2) AMBA...............tak ada rasa, tawar
3) ANGKEK.............angkat, loghat angkat
- piah, tolong angkek air lam baldi tu....
4) ANCUK...............copulate, lucah ni
- beghancuk yo kojo eh budak ni
5) AGEH.................sejenis ulat agas, loghat agas
- ghumah onyang ni banyak na ageh, maleh la nak tido
6) SUKI = cukup
- ayam tu kalau suki makan eh..sihat la dehhh
7) GHOSAN = basi
- lauk ayam nia kok buh dlm poti sojuk..tahan la deh. kok bia
yo kek luar..ghosannn deh
8)MELANGSIT = tido yg bersungguh
- ekau ni kan, melangsit yo kojo kau. cubo la poie motong gotah
9) SENUGHEH : senonoh
- ekau ni tak senugheh boto lah. den lompang kang!
10) CHEMAT = rotan
- budak dogey ni cemat yo hukum eh. tak mau di koba org..
11) BOGIK = dogei mak amek
12) HOBIN - ho-bin : pukul atau belasah
ekau hobin yo muko dio tuh!
13) KITAI - ki-tai : mengibas atau merenjis (badan dan selalu nya utk kucing)
kucing tuh lopeh dimandi an memang gomar mengitai an badan eh
14) PELAIH- pe-la-ih : endah atau amik tau
bukan dio nak pelaih an apo yg den cakap!
15) TETOYEK - te-to-yek : mcm lebihan terutama bg rendang
banyak boto tetoyek ghondang nie
15) GHEMAH - ghe-mah : saki baki nasi yg bertaburan lps makan
apo la makan cam tuh... bersepah ghemah
16) ONTOK-ONTOK : diam-diam
heh, duduk lah ontok-ontok sikit
17) MENDODA - men-do-da : terlalu kuat
sampai mendoda bunyi eh dio bukak lagu tuh!
18) LELAN - le-lan : cuai
lain kali bawak keto, jgnlah lelan... bahayo
19) MENTENENG - men-te-neng : besar, boroi etc
menteneng poghot dan lopeh makan lomang nie
20) DODAT - do-dat : minum terus tanpa cawan
jangan lah dodat air tuh camtuh, amik lah cawan, karang ado org lain nak
21) BELOBAU- be-lo-bau : terjatuh
jangan ditolak kucing tu, belobau dlm kolam tuh karang!
22) KECENG - ke-ceng : kenyit
apolah terkeceng-keceng mato tuh
23) AMEK - sangat
Kau jangan bawak motor tu laju-laju amek jang, kang kok terjungkang kek
topi somak tu kang.
24) TONAR - kedengaran sangat kuat
Mak oi, kuek bonar budak tu menangih tonar sekampong.
25) LUNYAH - dipijak-pijak
Abih tompek tidur den di lunyah dek bebudak ni
26) TEBOK - tanduk
Semalam atuk den di tebok kek kobau nasib baik tak apo-apo
27) POLAK - rimas...
polak eh la pulak...ekau kipeh den sokojap../ polak tolingo den dongar
bebel kau ni..apo mulut kau tak bulih diam ko
28) BEJEOH (be-je-oh) = untung besar
Kalau dapek duit pelanting, bejeoh den.... hehehee......
29) PORUN (po-run) = bakar semak-samun/sampah-sarap
lopeh tobeh somak tu tolong porun sekali biar torang, nanti sonang nak
tanam apo-apo.
30) CENEKEL (ce-ne-kel) = tipu/ngelat
ekau main cenekel patutlah kau buleh monang
31) HONGEH ~ ho-ngeh - mengah/keletihan
"den tongah hongeh ni sobab baghu lopeh dikojar dek lombu garang"
32) HONGAP ~ ho-ngap - nafas
"hongap kau ni bebau rokok"
33) NGICAK ~ ngi-cak = minta
"tak habih2 budak ni nak ngicak kueh den yo kojo eh"
34) KELOKAIAN ~ ko-lo-ka-ian = habiskan
"mano ado tinggal laie, habih dikolokaian eh kek budak ni"
35) NONGGOK = duduk, tinggal
"ekau nonggok mano sokarang"
36) PEMONGAK = pe-mo-ngak = pembohong
"usah kau pecayo cakap2 eh tu, pemongak nak mampuih"
37) NGENDENG ngen-deng = mendekati seseorang untuk dapat sesuatu
"apo kau buek ngendeng yo ni jang, nak apo laie?"
38) SEJOGHENG se-jo-gheh = secebis
"ado ko patut dibori eh den sejogheng yo, padohal banyak laie tu
39) MENYONGOK = me-nyo-ngok/menjongok men-jo-ngok = menziarah
"aghi rayo aghi tu den balik kampong menyongok gf den...hehehe...."
40) KECEK = ke-cek = minta dgn muka kesian
"cubo kau kecek ado laie tu...."
41) BEGHAMUK = be-gha-muk = bergaduh
"apo dibuek eh kek bobudak ni, beghamuk yo kojo eh"
42) DOGHEH = do-ngeh/dedogheh de-do-ngeh= cepat
"jalan lah dogheh/dedogheh, agi dah nak malam ni"
43) BONGKAR = bong-kar = bangun
bongkar la copek..dah subuh
44) MENTOKODAGHAH - men-to-ko-da-ghah = makan
kuek amek mentokodaghah ko ni milah..abih duit den
45) POLOSER - po-lo-ser = pemalas
poloser amek ko ni jang
46) POLOSIT - po-lo-sit = jahat
Huh anak si Jang katek tu, polosit sungguh, mencurik ajo kojoeh.
47) BOSOLUMAK - bo-su-lu-mak = comot
humang aiii!!.......bosulumak boto mulut kau lopeh makan aiskrim tue
48) JEWAT - je-wat : capai
lupo lak
49) METENG - me-teng /peteng - pe-teng - perati
apo yang dok peteng tuh jang.. berio bonar lak nampak eh.
50) TITIEK - ti-tiek / TALO- ta-lo = rotan
Ekao nak kono titiek tak ngan abah kao?"
Bang talo sikit Bidin tu, dogee bonar pulak dio
51) OCUP - o-cup = tenggelam
jangan mandi kek lubuk tu ocup kang
52) BUNGKO - bung-ko = bingai/bengap
apo bungko bona si acai ni, den dah koba bokali-kali masih tak faham2 laie
53) BENGOT - be-ngot = herot
bengot mulut kau konon kono mato kail tu
54) BOLENG - bo-leng = bogel
ajis jangan mandi boleng kono sekodeng dek anep kang
55) MOH DOREH - moh-do-reh = mari cepat
moh doreh kito poie beghayo ko ghumah tok imam
54) GODANG - go-dang = besar
godang eh lubang hidung kau
55) GOLO- go-lo = parah/susah
alahai kantoi lak dengan bini waktu dengan dating dengan senah tadi..golo
lah den
56) PENGOLAN - po-ngo-lan = pengait
bak sini pongolan tu fana..ekau duduk ontok ontok kek situ
57) OKAP - o-kap = tamak
okap bonar kau ni im..sumo asal cun sikit kau kobeh
58) KOBEH - ko-beh = kebas
ekau monyangkung lamo lamo tak kobeh ko kaki mizz
59) LOHONG - lo-hong = barai
lubang hidung jiman somakin hari somakin lohong sebab selalu korek hidung
60) KOMAN - ko-man = ketinggalan zaman
apo koman bona dressing kau ni sarip
61) BALUN = belasah
apo tersongge songge baco posting den..nak kono balun
itu ajo la setakat nie.........bhaso jiwo bangso!!
Guess what?
I had GP attachment this a.m. Had a quick chat with the receptionist. Pastu dia cakap :
"You look like you're not even out from school.."
Now, before you start leaving bubble-bursting comments, hear (or read, rather) me out first. I KNOW she meant that I look young, mostly because at five past nine in the morning I hadn't the chance to make a monkey of myself, and she wasn't able to asses my competence (incompetence, actually) as a medical student from a 5-minute encounter.
What say you now?
Wooohooooo!! *melompat-lompat sambil menari tarian sumazau*
So I guess I have a few years yet before I need anti-ageing thingies. Maybe if I invest the money I put aside properly I'd be able to afford botox! Muahahahahahah!
Eh. Takdela. Gurau je. Ko ni cepat melatah la senah!
It's SUCH a beautiful day...don't you think?
Watched the movie for the first time a couple of weeks ago (don't know why I never got around watching it before), when I visited Leicester and stayed with Peah.
Everytime they played a song in the movie, I went like "Ouh! I know this song!!" and then sang along, much to everyone's disbelief. (I'm sure they thought : WHAT DECADE is this crazy woman from??)
What can I say, I am more at home with songs from my mom's era. Should've been born in the fifties/sixties. I would've been SUCH a cool person back then! However, living in the current time and place, with my taste, I am doomed to be a geek and totally, totally uncool (by virtue of the fact that I can't connect with my peers, but can sing along with their parents).*sigh* Oh well. You people just DON'T KNOW how to appreciate me *pbbtthh*.
Now I have all the songs from the Dirty Dancing movie, thanks to Peah who delivered them to me and to Sid who obligingly downloaded them for me!! Remind me to belanja you fantastic people later!
If you'd excuse me, I'm gonna put on my 60s retro sunglasses and sing some golden oldies. ALOUD.
The only place where I think, act, feel like myself.
Being away drives me positively nuts. It's like being on a roller-coaster ride. I'm not even pleasant company most of the time.
Everything's moving too quickly for me.
Astagfirullah. I know that I am ungrateful. By right I should feel nothing but happy.
So why do I feel like crying for no apparent reason?
**Addendum 09/12/06 9:40 pm: I'm fine. Just had a bad case of PMS. All is good now.
Saw the advert on tv.
Introducing Nintendo's Wii (well I'm sure most of you already know about it anyway).
Has a wireless controller, which acts as a handheld pointing device and can detect motion and rotation in three dimensions.
That means, if the character in the game you're playing is in a swordfight, YOU are executing all the moves. If it's a golf game, you are literally the player (although I can't imagine anything less exciting than that).
I've given up my game controller ages ago (cewah macam bagus je) but I think Nintendo's latest release has taken gaming to another level.
Please excuse me while I drown in my puddle of saliva.
Ummm Santa? I've been a *ahem* good girl this year...do you think you can put this up on my list? Pretty please?? *with big shiny eyes ala2 kartun Jepun*
Owh. I forgot. Santa Claus doesn't exist. And I don't celebrate Christmas.
Well, how about a belated birthday present? Anyone?
Hello?? *distant echoes are heard*
Ah well.
Or if you're too lazy, the picture below sums up what's going on :
There's a RM500 fine for those who go against it. As expected, the 'Do's and Don'ts list' has sparked protest and outrage in some quarters (as reported here)
Their arguments were, in my personal opinion, valid points. Women have always been blamed as 'the source of evil'. It is unacceptable to say if a girl dresses a tad 'too revealing' and gets assaulted that 'she asked for it'. Honestly, does anyone still buy that argument?
How are they going to determine what's 'tight' and/or 'revealing' and what's not?
Before doing IB, I spent one semester doing matriculation locally (in Malaysia, that is). After spending 11 years in an all girls' day school where most of my friends were non-Malays, I got my very first wave of culture shock there.
My first Pendidikan Islam lesson, the ustaz threatened us with his 'kad kuasa', and said that he was authorised to 'tangkap khalwat' any couples seen doing anything funny. I was like, "oookay..."
That was a 'nice' welcome.
The whole environment of the campus was...well..to put it in a way, very religious. Now, I had no arguments against that (in principle, that is). I was ok with the fact that they tried to take care of everyone's 'spiritual well-being'. But I objected to the way they did it, and how they targeted only us girls.
Friday night ceramah focused mainly on how girls didn't wear camisoles with their baju kurung, or how thin the fabric is, or even how some girls don't wear socks. They made jokes at our expense, and the boys snickered at the front while us girls seethed with anger at the back.
We were proper second-class citizens, the female students. Actually, even worse than that. I felt the scavenger cats at the canteen were treated better. Then a sequence of events took place which left me properly traumatized. But that's a story for another day. Let's just say I never felt so happy to leave a place in my life.
Back to our main topic. Yet another article here (sorry! I make you read lots this time around). Statements such as, and I quote “A woman who wears an indecent outfit does not respect herself, so how can she expect men to respect her?” and 'there was no denying that men would be aroused by a scantily- dressed woman, as this was human nature' are ludicrous. What is THAT all about?
At the same time, I do feel that we Malaysians have become too westernised - our clothes, our thinking, heck, even right down to our American accents we picked up from tv. Scantily-clad girls are no longer found only in 'large cities', as small town people would say. They now can be found in your own hometown. She can be your neighbour. Or your best friend. Or even your sister. It's such a norm now that people rarely bat an eyelash when they see such things.
A few years ago (when we Malaysians were still conservative...remember those times?), at a wedding reception, my mother made a remark about the bride, who wore a sleeveless, a-bit-on-the-sexy-side dress, saying that she 'tak tau nak hormat majlis,' showing her underarms to guests and her elders. At that time, I didn't understand what the fuss was about. Now I think I understand where my mom was coming from.
If you were to attend, let's say, your best friend's kenduri, you'd choose what you wear carefully. Or if you were to go to meet your relatives, your mom will surely ask you to wear something 'decent' (that is, if you have one like mine). If you go for a job interview, you'd spend hours deciding what to wear. Even in the medical profession, there are standards on what doctors should and should not wear. You may ask, why? Out of respect for the other person. You do not dress simply for yourself, it's also for every single person you meet that day, whether you know him/her or not.
As it is wrong for people to criticize you on how you dress, it is also unacceptable to impose your dressing on other people.
I guess what MPKB is trying to do is 'protect' their people from being keBaratan, while still trying to preserve eastern; and most importantly, Islamic values. And to be honest, when I went to Kelantan last summer, it was really nice not to see people 'flaunting' themselves, that everyone looked so well ummm... decent.
I feel SO old saying that.
But I still object to the statements made in the papers. Totally devoid of respect towards women.
That's the problem. They blame us for everything, and teach their brothers and sons that women are the root of all evil. They never taught their sons to respect their mothers and sisters, to love and cherish and protect. Instead they are taught to look at women with contempt.
And seriously, if you want to fight 'immorality' and 'indecency'? EDUCATE the people. EDUCATE them. EDUCATE them. Teach them good values; show them how to think for themselves; teach them the importance of respecting others, and also one's self. Only then will we stop being the mindless sheep we have become.
Not so easy, huh? We always prefer the quick-fix method, washing our hands off the problem afterwards, claiming we've done all we can. How myopic. How irresponsible. How typical. (Oh dear, it's the 't' word...again).Just look at that.
I'm usually a neat person - well agak neat la. In my younger days (cewah) I loved spring cleaning, everytime I got stressed I'd clean the room from top to bottom - usually after midnight. (I know...I have weird habits, like bathing after 12am..there are even weirder habits you'd find out about if you get to know me better). Can't even be bothered to clean up anymore. Everytime I do, it gets messy again double quick.
The state of the rest of the room is more or less the same. Oh, I can still see the floor,thank heavens, but things are cluttered in groups - in an 'organized' sort of way.
You should see my laundry basket. It's like a volcano ready to erupt. In fact, it has a slightly smaller twin - the 'handwash' pile and the 'washing machine' pile, you see. Sometimes I yell at them : "Why can't you wash yourselves??"
My dishes get that a lot too.
I also wish that the food in the freezer would defrost themselves and voluntarily jump into the cooking pot.
I really marvel at my friends who are still studying and are also married +/- with kids. Cammane korang cope haaa? Aku kat sini diri sendiri pun tak terjaga. Mungkin sebab tu la jodoh korang awal and mine is still on suspension.
More friends are getting married within the next few months. I wish you all infinite joy. Me? Everytime anyone asks about 'my turn' (tak serik2 lagi ke?), my standard answer is now "Rabu. Datangla ye..bawak hadiah sekali.." (well I haven't used the 'hadiah' bit, but I think it's a good addition. Gonna use that next time).
Not going home for Christmas holidays. Somehow that thought makes me depressed...
I wrote to the medical school, and my name has been removed from the MTAS (just found out what MTAS is..it's Medical Training Application Scheme).
For better or for worse, Malaysia, here I come.
A couple of weeks ago, the job application forms for PRHO FY1 (Pre-registration House Officer, Foundation Year 1) came out. Final year medical students who are applying for FY1 posts have to fill in the application form, answering questions six questions on why he/she will make a good doctor, giving examples etc.
Yup, pretty wishy-washy.
Based on the new system of application (in its 2nd year this year), applicants are awarded 85 points in total, with academic ranking contributing 45 points maximum. The rest of the points are academic achievements, other prizes/awards, etc. To be honest, I don't know what's going on exactly.
Why? Because I'm not applying, that's why.
When I first started med school at Barts and the
If that doesn't stink, I don't know what does.
So, being discouraged by what's happening, my plans changed again. I'm going back to
The GMC registration sounded attractive at first. But then I asked myself : will I ever use/need it? Now that prospects of postgraduate training in the
One reason why I want to go back quickly is that since I'm most likely to go postgraduate studies back home, it helps to get into the civil service earlier to those who are staying behind. As it is now, my peers in
I've informed my medical school of my decision of not applying, and an email was sent to me and several other Singaporean students who've had job offers from
"if, at a later date, they (i.e. non-UK/EU graduates from
Reading those words, I faltered.
Oh, I knew about it even before, but having those words coming from THE authoritative source made me doubt myself.
Not enough to change my resolve, but enough for me to question whether what I'm doing is right.
I'm supposed to reply to the email, stating 'my intentions' and request for my name to be removed from the FY1 application process.
Do I burn the bridge now? Or simply wait for the application deadline to pass quietly?
With all my 'big talk', I'm not a brave person after all.What does being a 'typical Malay' mean? Saying to someone that he/she is acting like a typical Malay is akin to accusing him/her of being lazy, narrow-minded, short-sighted, too complacent, easily swindled, prone to petty jealousies....etc...
I was reading Nik Nazmi's thoughts about our Malaysian astronaut playing children's games in space, and someone accused him of (and I quote) "perasaan hasad dengki dan iri hati orang melayu kepada org melayu yang ingin mencapai kejayaan..Another ol typical malay!!!!"
Sadly enough, when someone uses that 'typical Malay' phrase others know exactly what he/she means.
The question is : how long are we going to stay 'typical'? The negative traits mentioned above (and more) are pathognomonic (using a medical term here, meaning diagnostic for a particular disease) for being Malay.
Doesn't anyone else think it is getting old? Malays acting 'typical' and other people accusing us of being so. Somehow it sounds worse than Chinese or Indian people being called 'typical Chinese/Indian' (whatever they mean).
As you can see, I rant a lot nowadays. Pre-exam fever has kicked in. Oh yeah.
Bitter pills to swallow, and yet there's truth in them. I wish I have the resources to send them to every Minister in Malaysia; via email, snail mail, text message, voice message...heck, I'd even enlarge and paste them on every billboard available in Malaysia.
Someone MUST be made to listen. This has got to stop before we lose the last precious shreds of dignity we have left!! (Although at this point I even doubt its existence...)
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia's first astronaut will do what no one in space has done before: play traditional Malay children's games without gravity. --> yup, I was right The astronaut - yet to be selected - will play "batu seremban,'' or "five stones'' and spin traditional Malay tops in space--> WHAT THE...???!!??, Agriculture Ministry parliamentary secretary Rohani Abdul Karim told parliament on Wednesday. Rohani, who was replying on behalf of the Science, Technology and Innovations Ministry, said the astronaut would also do batik painting and making teh tarik-->errm excuse me, but HOW does this benefit anyone?? Roti canai takde ke? Correct me if I'm wrong, but being in a zero-gravity environment, won't the teh tarik fly everywhere? The Russians might be a bit peeved for messing up their space station...you know, nanti lekit and the space ants will come in no time. She said this in reply to comments made by MPs on what the Malaysian astronaut might do in the International Space Station.-->I'm sure they were expecting a more intelligent answer, but then I might be wrong.... Rohani said the training programme for the Malaysian astronaut in Russia would not cost the Treasury a single sen.--> and as such you think it's okay for the astronaut bearing Malaysia's name to make an intergalactic fool of himself??? Replying to Datuk Dr Marcus Mojigoh (BN-Putatan), she said the programme was provided free of charge as part of an offset programme for the purchase pf Sukhoi fighter aircraft from Russia.-->*snorts* was it a second-hand plane? (probably the Russians felt bad for swindling us so easily and offered the programme to make amends) She said the benefits of the programme for the country were numerous, including the opportunity to conduct scientific experiments in space.--> yeah, so why don't we?? If we actually are I'm sure people are more interested to know about that than making teh tarik and play batu seremban Such experiments will also be studied by our own scientists in the medical, science and educational fields. Schoolchildren will be further motivated to increase their interests in science and technology when our astronaut holds a live teleconference with students from several selected schools,” she said, adding that the astronaut would also conduct several experience on micro-gravity in front of the television camera.-->to be honest with you, schoolchildren will be interested in ANYTHING if there's a scholarship offer attached to it...don't have to go through to all the trouble of sending a man to space. Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor and Kapten Dr Faiz Khaleed, who had been selected for Malaysia’s first astronaut programme, are now undergoing training for a year in Russia before departing for the International Space Station.-->what? a year to learn how to play batu seremban and gasing and make teh tarik? What do you need those doctors for? Might as well send a teh-tarik man and the johan kebangsaan in batu seremban to accomplish those things. Only one of them will board a Russian rocket for eight days of space travel on Sept 2 next year.-->so, how do you choose? Undian SMS? My bet is on the better-looking one then...
Malaysian's first astronaut to do what no one in space has done before -->why do I get a feeling it's gonna be something silly?
Another piece of news from the same source:
TUN Dr Mahathir Mohamad, who is now recuperating from a mild heart attack, had received information that he would be booed if he attended the Umno general assembly. Mukhriz said his father had been booed before, even when he was still the party president...
*sigh* This is how we treat the person who's done so much for the country. Grown men playing schoolyard politics...they even act like children. We applauded him when he spoke out against the Western giants, but can't take it when we receive the same kind of treatment. I'm not saying he's always right, nor am I siding anyone but surely things can be solved by acting maturely. Not all this bickering that comes out in the papers. It's just downright silly.
1) I am old(er). Sigh. Wiser? Maybe not.
2) I will be thirty-four in no time. Ack!!
3) By UK standards, I still look twenty at the very most (wahahahahahahahah!*gelak evil*)
4) I can be just as childish as I was ten years ago, but with more serious consequences.
5) I feel comfortable going out without fussing about my appearance like I used to a couple of years ago. (Yes, yes, I have my share of vanity, so sue me).
6) Lots of my friends have gotten married/engaged to be married. My sister started her "I was engaged at twenty-four" spiel officially today, joining my mom who started a while back. Sigh..nantilah ye...
7) My biological clock is ticking. Caught myself a few times looking at adorable babies thinking "I want one of those..."
8) I want to graduate and get out of medical school!!
9) There are some people you went to school with that you never dreamed you'd be close to after leaving school. Surprisingly, they are now your closest friends.
10)I rather spend the night talking to a few close friends than go out gallivanting with a large group of people
11)I sleep no later than 12am. It's almost impossible to stay awake after that time.
12)There are quite a few things I regret doing. Wish I had done things differently
13)There are a few crazy things I wish I had done when I was younger.
14)Most of all, turning twenty-four makes me realize that every second of my life has been a blessing, and I have so much to thank God for.
Yes, this blog has been neglected for quite sometime.
No, I've not been kidnapped by aliens and having my internal organs rearranged. Am very much alive and well. Thank you for wondering (or not).
It's not too late to wish Selamat Hari Raya! Hope your Eid was a good one. My last Eid away from home (insyaAllah), am looking forward to celebrating Raya in Malaysia once more with great expectations.
Final exams are looming over the horizon, 12 weeks to go! Even yours truly, who usually is a last-minute crammer is starting to feel the heat. Having exams is one thing, but the thought of being a full-fledged doctor by August positively terrifies me. It IS a welcome change, after being in med school for 5 years and 2 years IB before that. Most of my friends have started work ages ago. But I hate change. At the same time I look forward to it as well.
Another reason to be intimidated is because I'm planning to work Malaysia once I graduate. Having medically trained in English, my Bahasa Melayu comm skills is gonna stink big time. You might see me saying the following a lot:
Anxious relative : Bagaimana keadaan dia, doktor?
Me : (In my white coat, looking at clipboard). Keadaan dia stabil. Tapi dia perlu banyak berehat.
Anxious relative : Bagaimana keadaan dia, doktor?
Me : (coming out from the operation theatre, in my scrubs, slowly shaking my head at the patient). Kami telah cuba sedaya upaya. Bersabarlah, ini semua kehendak Tuhan.
All the times I laughed so hard at those corny lines in Malay films/drama!! It's gonna come back to haunt me!
On a different topic altogether, for those who are on Friendster, have you noticed that it has turned into a site for new moms and dads to showcase their offsprings, and for married/engaged people to show others how happy they are?
Is it just me or did you notice it as well??
The ranks of single people of my age are thinning. Fast. How depressing is that? (Of course I'm happy for them, just saying that I'm not getting any younger. Gonna be over the hill before I even realize it).
That's life, I guess
Been hooked on youtube this weekend. Saw Lea Salonga's (now Lea Salonga-Chien) wedding in 2004 video, I LOVE the song she sang to her husband!! *sigh* What a dream. Her husband actually cried (kinda cute actually..who wouldn't?).
Also watched Les Mis in various languages on youtube. Now I SO wanna go around the world and watch all the Les Mis production there is!
(Since $$$$ is not unlimited, I guess there's plenty of room to dream....)
Yana, let's GO!!! We'll sing along every show!!
(Heck, I wasn't even a rock fan before this)
Now THAT'S what I call a reality-tv show full of talents!!
She sends her love and lots and lots of wet kisses!! (Believe me, they ARE wet!)
Had a really good flight home, I got upgraded to Business Class!! (hehe..*gelak evil*)
Been spending time at home with Azureen, she's quite a handful but TOTALLY ADORABLE! Pictures later.
In the meantime, my hp number while in Msia is 017-3575130. Sesape yang nak pegi berpoya-poya, panggillah saya, ye?
Three down, one more to go!!!
OSCE 10-min stations this afternoon.
And then.......habis!!!
*dances a little jig around the room*
Ermm...on a sober(er) note, hopefully I'll do okay...bab2 bercakap under pressure nih yang susah sket...
6 days before I'm free from the shackles of 4th year medicine (to be fair, it's the best year in med school, but it feels too long..). I hope all goes well with the exams. For what I've done for the written exams, the most I can do now is tawakkal and make dua' that I did allright. InsyaAllah.
And in 9 days' time....I'm going home!!! Can't wait!!!!
I know, I know, for a person who goes back at every opportunity I shouldn't be missing home as much as other people. But I do. Can't do anything ab0ut that.
The Azzurri won.
France played well, but they got unlucky. (Zidane : WHAT were you thinking???!!!)
But the most important thing is : ITALY WON!!!! Woooohoooo!!!
I've finished my SSM, 3 weeks before the deadline. Go me!
Well, technically I have. Just have to fix the intro and conclusion a bit, and do my references properly. Have sent the draft to my tutor. Hopefully I won't have to change too much, insyaAllah.
It's a good thing I've finished it too, since I SO have to start revising for my exams. It's next week, by the way. So spending the next 8 days doing nothing but revise and sleep and sleep and more sleep (hey, I need to consolidate my memory okay! Ask any neurologist!)
Neways, had an interesting incident last Friday. Had my revision lectures in Mile End, so after it finished I took the bus back to halls. It was packed, but I managed to squeeze into the back door (it's the long n bendy no. 25 bus with 3 doors). Near the door stood this guy (let's call him Mr X) probably in his twenties, who had weird tics and he was making strange movements and gestures and had conversations with persons only he could see. Since I just finished my psychiatry rotation, I think that Mr. X probably had a schizo-affective disorder, who had not been taking his meds for a while. He kept jumping off the bus whenever the door opened and then jump back in, making Michael-Jackson-like movements.
Moving on with the story, the bus was packed. It was really hot. There were lots of preschool children making lots of noise. I tried to get as far away from the strange guy as I could. At a particular bus stop, a guy with a small dog wanted to get down. Had to push a lot of people, and I had to move closer to Mr. X. And then before the guy with the dog could get down, the door closed and the bus moved again.
So there I was, trapped. With Mr. X right in front of me and the dog near my right foot (I have nothing against dogs, I love to look at them, but you know la, kalau pape susah la nak samak). And Mr. X kept jumping up and down. The dog was restless. I couldn't move.
Then Mr. X suddenly turned around and gave me a smile. I gave him a constipated grin, I think. At that moment, I thought, I'd rather take my chances with the dog. Luckily at the next bus stop Mr. X jumped out for good, as did the guy with the dog...but wait! There was not only one, there were two dogs!! The other one was probably behind me. I was properly cornered. Good thing I didn't notice the other one.
Ah well....
Okay, moving on. Saw 'Pirates of the Caribbean : Dead Man's Chest' today. It was SMASHING!!! Probably the most entertaining movie I've seen in a while. It was so good, I didn't even mind the fact that annoying Keira Knightley was in it (WHAT'S with her and the pouty-lower-lip thingy?? Was that supposed to be sexy??). Amazing effects, really good adventure story, really funny, albeit a dark sequel to the first one, but much much better.
It ran for 150 minutes, just the right length. It didn't feel too short like X-Men 2 (I remember thinking "Was that it?") nor was it too long like Lord of the Rings 3 (I was practically dancing in my seats - my bladder had passed its maximum capacity). Great, great music score.
So if you were contemplating whether or not to go, contemplate no more. GO NOW!!
The downside of it all is the fact that we've got to wait until next year for the 3rd instalment to be released (although they filmed it back-to-back with the second one, kinda like LOTR).
Oh, bugger.
well, I know why, so you don't have to point it out to me (seriously, DON'T), but even so, I was hoping....
frust giler seh.
heck, I'm not even a football fan usually.
p/s : despite their lost against Portugal, I thought England played well. It was a shame it ended as it did...
You are 28.57% jealous! For this test, the average jealousy percentage is 35.54%.
524789 people have taken this test to date.
This percentage means that : You have very few jealous traits. You rarely over-react and have a handle on the severity of situations. Whatever jealous attributes you do have will not present a problem in relationships, and will sometimes help.
This week's the last week of my Psychiatry rotation.
Had my last ward round last Tuesday. I got to write in the notes again. The SHO was on leave so I took over (hehehe...*gelak evil*).
At the end of the ward round, sat down with the consultant for assessment and signing of my log book.
The consultant was really nice. He actually wrote in my logbook 'excellent social graces'. Well, for my lack of knowledge I have to make up somehow by being enthusiastic.
It WAS a good firm. I'll miss each and every patient there, crazy or not.
It was one of the best rotation I've had this year. I still want to do Obs&Gynae, but I think I'll take up Psychiatry as a special interest.
1) The thought that I'll be home in a little bit more than a month
2) Thoughts of Azureen and my parents' reports of her progress. Video clips of her that I took whenever I was home help a lot
3) That midnight phone call
4) The thought that I'd be seeing that someone after 11 long months
5) My next-door neighbour (also my best friend, my ex-classmate, my ex-roommate), who knows me more than anyone else (in many ways)
That's all I can say.
There are SO many weddings!
Everyone I know got married/is getting married this year!
Is it something in the air? Something in the water?
There are nine so far....I suppose I can expect more.
Don't get me wrong, I adore weddings, and I'm glad that everyone who's getting married is doing so...I wish them all the happiness in the world.
Just astounded by the sheer number, I guess. I'm also painfully reminded of my age...well, 23 (ok ok..24 this year) is not old, but that's about the time pressure sets in, isn't it?
Ok...it's scary.
Being grown-up doesn't seem like a good idea at the moment.
Better be prepared to dodge nosy questions from nosy makciks this summer hols....
Ah Lek was asked to make a sentence using 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10. Not only did he do it 1 to 10, he did it again from 10 back to 1. This is what he came up with... 1 day I go 2 climb up a 3 outside a house to peep. But the couple saw me, so I panic and 4 down. The man rush out and wanted to 5 with me. I run until I fall 6 and throw up. So I go into 7 eleven and grab some 8 to throw at him. Then I took a 9 and try to stab him. 10 God he run away.
So, I put the 9 back and pay for the 8 and left 7 eleven. Next day, I call my boss and say I am 6 . He said 5, tomorrow also no need to come back 4 work. He also asks me to climb a 3 and jump down. I don't understand, I am so nice 2 him but I don't know what he 1.
Had psychiatry lectures today. It. Was. So. Boring! For the first lecture, the consultant was quite pleasing to look at *winks* but even that didn't help save the lecture. Or perhaps it has something to do with the late-night marathon I did...hmm...
After the first lecture, one of my friends wanted to get her ticket to go back home for the summer. Since I knew I was gonna sleep anyway if I stayed, I decided to accompany her. (What?? I was SO going to sleep, and besides, I haven't been to Central London in ages! And they have the lecture handouts online, so it wasn't that bad, was it?)
So off we went, had to go to two travel agents to find a decent deal. After that we stopped at my favourite shoe shop - Clarks!!
The only reason why all my shoes over here are Clarks shoes is because their shoes are some of the most comfortable I've ever worn. And my feet are kinda fussy about shoes. I needed some summer footwear.
I saw one casual wear I've been eyeing for a couple of weeks, so I grabbed that pair in about 5 minutes. Paid for those at the counter, and then my eyes fell onto another pair - oh! They're so pretty!! Tried them on - VERY comfortable heels. Looked at the price. Hmm. It was ok (a little bit pricey but still not too bad) but then I'd already bought a pair. Had to think. Went walking around the shop with the shoes for about 5 mins. Then I felt a bit conscious since one of those guys working there kept looking at me with the shoes, asking if I've made my mind up. So I took them off. Walked around somemore with the shoes in my hand. Ignored the guy. Then I thought "Oh, what the heck" so I marched to the counter and told the cashier firmly "I'll take them".
Now I have 2 more pairs to add to my collection (not that they're THAT many, compared to other people I know, they need a whole cupboard to keep all their shoes!). Mine is just lined up near my door.
So yeah, I've been a little bit naughty today...didn't go for lectures, spent quite a bit...
I promise I'll be very good from now on...
VERY, VERY good.
2 students per firm, and I was assigned to the Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit (with another guy who's to be my firm partner).
"Where are the beds? Single rooms? Darn, they have it good here"
"Oookay...they are all males.."
"Ermm..why is that guy staring at us from outside the locked office?"
"What IS he doing?"
Mental illness aside, he was a really nice person to talk to. But dear God, I was trying so hard not to giggle or laugh. The other patients were really 'keen' to talk to us too...one guy actually requested to be interviewed.
I don't think I'd choose Psychiatry as a career, but this coming 6 weeks will surely be interesting...
With everything.
The smallest things can frustrate me nowadays.
Looking at previous entries and judging from the current one, I haven't been my optimistic self for a long time. Haven't written anything worth reading for ages.
Sometimes I feel like leaving everything and run away.
I know this is a phase, and it will pass.
Till then, Lord, give me strength.
Everything's uncertain. I hate uncertainties. That's why I always choose the path where I can see the end point.
On the other hand, it's unfair to hope things will go my way.
I'm more than willing to go down the other road; but I need reassurance, anything that can convince me to make that move towards the unknown.
Started Neurology module at Oldchurch Hospital. It takes approx. 1 hour to travel from my place. Have to take the tube, then the train, then a bus. It's been only 1 week, but travelling kinda wears me out. And I usually have to be in by 9 am (thus I have to get up at 7 latest to get ready) and arrive back at Floyer House usually abt 6.30 pm. The timetable's really packed, we hardly have time to clerk and examine patients. Have to do a minimum of 2 per week, even that is quite a challenge.
But having said that, I have to admit I asked for it. I applied for Oldchurch Hospital because my seniors said they have excellent teaching. And they do. If only we have more time to do things....
I've crossed out Neurology as a career option. I do like Neuro, but I can't see myself doing it for the rest of my life. Sat in during clinics today, and SO many patients come in with headaches and fatigue and pins and needles yada yada yada. Some of the complaints can be psychological. And consultation of each patient takes SO LONG! Don't think I have the energy to cope with that.
I think I'll stick to Obs and Gynae. Things are more structured and less complicated. You are either pregnant or you're not. You are either incontinent or you're not. Not so much grey area there.
So yeah, now I'm in my 2nd week of Neurology out of a total of 4 weeks. Next rotation will be Psychiatry, the branch of medicine I've struck off as a career option a long time ago. Can't listen to people talk for a long time, you see. I get restless...or even worse, I fall asleep! Nevertheless, I'm sure it'll be interesting an interesting 6-week rotation.
We'll see........
Kit! I'm really sorry that I'll be missing your wedding. Wish I could be there, I always thought I'd be part of it too....
Apapepun, I wish you all the happiness in the world! Although I won't physically be at your wedding, please know that you have all my love and best wishes on that day!!
Tell Althie he better treat you right. Or he'd have to face me (and Amy too!). I'm sure he will, though ;)
Lots of hugs and kisses!
Well, it's not exactly his song. The song's been around for quite sometime. Frank Sinatra sang it, Barbra Streisand sang it. But I gotta say, Buble's rendition gave me goosebumps.
Darling, I'm so blue without you
I think about you the live-long day
When you ask me if I'm lonely
Then I only have this to say
You'll never know just how much I miss you
You'll never know just how much I care
And if I tried, I still couldn't hide my love for you
You ought to know, for haven't I told you so
A million or more times?
You went away and my heart went with you
I speak your name in my ev'ry prayer
If there is some other way to prove that I love you
I swear I don't know how
You'll never know if you don't know now
You'll never know just how much I miss you
You'll never know just how much I care
You said good-bye, no stars in the sky refuse to shine
Take it from me, it's no fun to be alone
With moonlight and memories
Why am I so restless?
Must be having withdrawal symptoms...I miss home
I think I'll go and cook something...chop some things up
1. Back in London
2. Bummer!
3. Why does London seem so alien to me for the first time in four years?
4. I'm actually finally doing my essay (three cheers for me!!)
5. Wonder what Azureen is doing right now?
6. I miss Baskin Robbins' Banana Royale with strawberry topping
7. Can't wait to graduate
8. After graduating....what?
9. Laundry - ack!!
I'm back in Malaysia.
Hehe, I know, I can hear you say: "Again??"
Well, I had 4 weeks of nothing to do in London, what was I supposed to do there?
Neways, had a little bit of money saved for times like this one, so I bought the ticket home.
And also, I was starting to miss Azureen a little more than a bit.
When I saw Azureen at the airport last Thursday, she looked at me appraisingly (at least that was what it felt like) and then extended her arms out to me.
Heck, I'd spend triple the ticket price for that.
Here's her latest photo:
Been lazing and idling around so far, I still have my SSM essay to do. After the ordeal I went through with my 3rd Year SSM, I am determined not to go through the same headache again. So I'm gonna officially (re)start today. I'm telling you this so that I will actually start; it's harder to lie to other people than yourself. At least, in my case.
Went back to SM Puteri yesterday. Mak called from school and said that an O&G consultant was giving a talk to the students. Went there coz I figured she'd be a good person to get career advice from. She gave a lecture on gynaecological problems. It was quite a good one, but the Q&A session had me floored. The students were asking questions about labial piercings and torn hymens and how to (surgically) restore it and masturbation!! What the....!!!!???
Things have DEFINITELY changed since I left school. I don't think anyone in my year ever thought of such things to ask! I'm pretty sure that a number of us at that age were still ignorant of such matters, while the 'enlightened ones' wouldn't dream to raise such issues in front of 200-odd students and 15 teachers.
I'm starting to feel too old (fashioned)....
After leaving the school, I decided to go to Jaya Jusco in Seremban 2. It was opened late last year, thought I'd go and see what it had to offer.
The place is quite all right, although looking at the facade you'd expect more stores inside. But it's okay, we now have TGV and another bowling place and MPH (YAY!!!). Went to MPH, wanted to look for a book highly recommended to me; 'The Sealed Nectar' by Safi-ur-Rahman Al-Mubarakpuri. It's a biography of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. and it won first prize at the worldwide competition on the biography of The Prophet in 1979.
Neways, as I was saying, I saw the book, and when I placed the book on the counter, the cashier (who was an Indian lady) took a look at the book and asked me "Ni Quran ke?"
I was a little bit confused at first, and then I caught her meaning. When I said "No" she then proceeded with the transaction (with calligraphy on its jacket, I suppose the book does look similar to the Quran on the outside).
The point I'm trying to make is that I felt quite touched by her sensitivity. We live in a multi-cultural society, but how much do we know about the people who are of a different race and religion from us?
The Malays - well, since we are the majority in this country, chances are people know our taboos, our dos and donts e.g we don't eat pork, only halal meat, and other cultural and religious needs. But how many of us Malays are aware about the needs of other races? I still come across Malays working at eating places who don't know that Indians don't eat beef and kick up a fuss when they are politely told so.
Sensitivity is great, as long as it applies to us.
Does that sound fair to you?
Ah well....that's just me saying. Other people may have other thoughts regarding this matter, this is mine.
That's quite enough I think...
Now I know why.
It wasn't as easy as it looked. Spent most of the first half-hour clinging to the railing. After that, I could actually skate forwards, but the problem was I didn't know how to stop.
Fell down quite a few times. I think I set a new record for that place. Fell on my rear end a few times, once I even collided with another person. Another time I fell on my left leg, I felt something cracked. Probably I pulled a ligament or two.
I am SO gonna be sore tomorrow.
That experience was like a reality check for me. I liked to think that I'd be able to do anything, learn new skills easily. Although I'm sure I'd be able to do it if I practiced long enough, but the fact that I'm not a very fast learner is a very sobering thought.
Ah well, so I won't be able to make it for the cast of Starlight Express. I guess I'm just one of those people more suited to have both feet planted firmly on the ground.
Hello kids! (I know, I know, most of you people are old enough to be mak and bapak orang, but don't be offended...just humour me okay?)
Post-Human Development exam, I am still alive. How did it go? I have no idea. It was one of those strange papers where they asked the most trivial things. Just hope I did okay.
Neways, having 1 week of lectures now...kinda boring to be honest - with all due respect to the lecturers of course...it's just that ENT is not my thing. Snotty noses and waxy ears. If you're a medical student / junior doctor, and you're deciding on which area you want to specialize in, I've been told that you're supposed to choose something that doesn't gross you out. Yes people, it's not merely blood we have to deal with. There are other bodily secretions and a few other bits and pieces. For example, if you're comfortable looking at patients' sputum pots, then you can consider respiratory medicine. If you can look up people's as*es and still maintain your dignity, hey, we'll make a colorectal surgeon out of you!
Oookay, I'm sure most of you are put off already. So we'll move along swiftly. Sorry folks, if you mix around people in the medical profession long enough you'd notice that they'll bring their work wherever they go; at the dinner table, family gatherings, in conversations with random strangers. As long as there's an audience. It's just that we tend to think that other people are just as enthusiastic about the topic as we are, no matter how disgusting. These last 4 years, I've learned that no one in my family can stand the descriptions of the gory side of medicine, nor are they interested in it. So I've decided to keep my enthusiasm to myself.
Sheesh, it's like I'm having verbal diarrhoea or something (not exactly verbal la, since I'm typing them down). Neways, as the title suggested, I've been tagged! Kit's the culprit. So here goes....
Tag : 4 Things
4 movies I love
1) Meet Me in
2) Lord of the Rings Trilogy (I don't care..this counts as one)
3) Robin Hood : Men in Tights
4) P. Ramlee's Bujang Lapok Series and Sarjan Hassan (I don't care!! They count as one as well!!)
**This goes to prove that doctors can't count..
4 places I've lived
1) Terengganu (I was born there...don't remember much for obvious reasons)
2) Klang, Selangor
4) A private halls of residence down the road. In my 2nd year
4 tv shows I love to watch
**I hate it when they ask this question. It's assumed that EVERYONE owns and watches tv. I don't have a tv here..only watch tv when I got back to Msia. But to answer the question:
1) Whose Line is it Anyway
2) CSI
3) CSI :
4) Lonely Planet. When it's Ian Wright
4 places I've been on vacation
4 blogs I visit daily
1) Kit-and-Althie's
2) Kenny Sia at kennysia.com. That bloke can really write!
3) Afdlin Shauki's blog
4) hmm sape lagi ye?
4 favourite foods
1) Mak's chicken rice!!
2) Tom Yam
3) Mak's laksa johor
4) Ayam berlada
4 places I'd rather be..
1) Home
2) Home
3) Home
4) Where the heart is..(apart from home la...)
4 albums I can't live without
1) Michael Buble's self-titled album
2) Kumpulan Vokal Berharmoni album (hehe...what can I say..)
3) Sudirman Dwidekad
4) Francesca Peters' Suara Rindu Fran
4 vehicles I've owned
1) Ermm...basikal
2) Basikal
3) Basikal
4) Kelisa (which is technically my sister's, but I share it with her)
Neways, since I had the afternoon off, my mind began to think of ways of keeping myself occupied for the day. Nevermind the exam on Friday, I just had to take a break...
And I decided to go to Central London. Purely because the on the previous night just before I fell asleep I felt like eating chinese fried rice with sweet sour chicken at Chopstix.
You might wonder why I actually travelled 45 minutes on the bus for a Chinese takeaway...well I wonder myself. Must be my upbringing. Growing up, I remember the whole family going on a long trip just to eat something.
1) Before Pizza Hut came to Seremban, my parents took my sisters and I to Malacca whenever we felt like having pizza. We would then stop by at Jusco on the way home coz my mom loves the danish bread there. Apart from Malacca, we used to go to The Mall in KL.
2) Ming Court Hotel in Port Dickson had the best ice kacang ever!! We'd go to PD during hot afternoons to treat ourselves. Don't know what happened to that hotel. Last I heard it was closed for renovation
3) There was a time when we'd go to KL just because we wanted to eat steak at Victoria Station.
4) Oh yes! Nasi daun pisang in PD Golf Club...one of our frequent haunts these days
5) Port Dickson again....on Saturdays or Sundays we used to go to this particular stall for breakfast..they have the best nasi lemak ever
Come to think of it...it wasn't so much because of the food...it was the family trips that mattered..