Monday, November 06, 2006

Birthday reflections

Turning twenty-four makes me realize that:

1) I am old(er). Sigh. Wiser? Maybe not.

2) I will be thirty-four in no time. Ack!!

3) By UK standards, I still look twenty at the very most (wahahahahahahahah!*gelak evil*)

4) I can be just as childish as I was ten years ago, but with more serious consequences.

5) I feel comfortable going out without fussing about my appearance like I used to a couple of years ago. (Yes, yes, I have my share of vanity, so sue me).

6) Lots of my friends have gotten married/engaged to be married. My sister started her "I was engaged at twenty-four" spiel officially today, joining my mom who started a while back. Sigh..nantilah ye...

7) My biological clock is ticking. Caught myself a few times looking at adorable babies thinking "I want one of those..."

8) I want to graduate and get out of medical school!!

9) There are some people you went to school with that you never dreamed you'd be close to after leaving school. Surprisingly, they are now your closest friends.

10)I rather spend the night talking to a few close friends than go out gallivanting with a large group of people

11)I sleep no later than 12am. It's almost impossible to stay awake after that time.

12)There are quite a few things I regret doing. Wish I had done things differently

13)There are a few crazy things I wish I had done when I was younger.

14)Most of all, turning twenty-four makes me realize that every second of my life has been a blessing, and I have so much to thank God for.


Sue M. said...

oh happy belated birthday to u! welcome to the club! =)

Hani Izhar said...

hehe tengkiu!! =)

Kit Pryde said...

Happy Belated Birthday.. and NO, you don't need to be engaged by a certain age!!

even if it's your mom and older sister telling you. there is no rush for these things. jodoh is Allah's decision, kan?

so carry on being thankful and enjoy life.. i'm sure when the time comes, you'll settle down.

p.s: i think 24 is too young to be engaged. seriously. but this is from the girl who's dying to buy a strawberry shortcake toy for herself at my age, so... hehehe.