Saturday, May 21, 2005

The Great Star Wars Massacre

Next week, the stewards of my halls of residence are organizing a trip to the cinema, so all residents are invited to watch Star Wars : Revenge of the Sith - for free.

But I'm not going. I don't want to.

If people ask why, I just say that I haven't watched the 2nd episode yet, so I don't want to watch the next one until then.

Pretty reasonable excuse, perhaps. But people who've known me for ages will notice that someting is amiss. They'd probably say "WHAT? Hani, not watching Star Wars? Impossible!"

Yup, I'm a Star Wars fan. Huge one. Or was.

I remember in my school days, they'd almost always show Star Wars Episodes V-VI on tv every year. And everytime, without fail, I'd stay up and watch them, although I had school the next day. I started reading SW novels in Form 1, got addicted to it, and have a huge collection of the literature. At one time, I even kept a timeline for the books (the stories don't get published in order due to the different authors writing the books, so the stories go back and forth). I can tell you that Han Solo and Leia got married, have 3 kids (Jaina and Jacen - twins - and Anakin). I can even tell you their talents in the Force and what colour their first lightsabers were. I can also tell you that Luke married Mara Jade, the Emperor's right hand. Oh yeah, Chewie died in the end.

I was THAT obsessed. I have trading cards and the expansion sets, even the cardboard meal box KFC gave during the release of SW : Special Edition (I still do - stashed with my other memorabilias). To me, SW was THE trilogy (don't think even LOTR can compare)

When George Lucas announced that he'd make Episodes I-III, I was ecstatic. I went to watch The Phantom Menace as soon as it was released. And I was severely dissapointed.

Oh, the effects were superb all right, music as fantastic as ever, even the lightsaber duels were incomparable. But it was also unbelievably corny. The movie went fine, up to almost the end when the little boy Anakin Skywalker 'accidentally' got himself into a fighter plane and in his what-am-I-doing?-ooh-let's-press-this-button-and-see-what-happens mode he unintentionally shot down a lot of bad guys and the blew up a few things. And guess what happened next? He actually saved the day! Yup. I know. Unbelievable, right?

Which reminded me of the Home Alone movies. And every other Hollywood movie where precocious kids beat the crap out of bad guys (full-grown adults, no less).

Come on, George Lucas. You didn't have to sink to that level. I'm sure people would've been just as happy if Anakin intentionally got into that plane and actually meant to save the day. His midi chlorians were off the scale after all. Geniuses CAN do those things, you know. Mozart's first composition was produced even before his age reached two digits. He didn't go like "Ooh I accidentally scribbled something on the paper and it turned out to be a concerto!", did he now?

And so, yeah, the ending of Ep. I put me off the 2nd movie. Consequently, the third.

I also feel that this time around, it's more about how much money they can make from the public. You can see SW merchandise everywhere, from board games to costumes to lollipops. Even LOTR cannot compare in this department. Well, I know, it'll be kinda silly not to exploit the general public since to some, SW is almost a religion so they'd buy just about anything, even tissue papers with Yoda's face on it. But I always feel that SW is greater than just a money-grabbing scheme.

Well, I did watch the trailer for Episode III. Was a bit put out with the emotional scenes between Padme and Anakin (I'm okay with emo scenes, it's just the things they said..and how they said it...corny, corny..). On the other hand, I was sorely tempted by the lightsaber fights. Maybe that will turn the tables and persuade me to watch it after all.

Or maybe not. I'll be content with Episodes V-VI, which I still consider the best trilogy of all, with LOTR a close second.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Foot in mouth.....

Everyone's been in one of those foot-in-mouth situations before. You know, the one when you said the wrong thing and realized it a second too late and then wish that the ground would open and swallow you whole.

Yeah, I had that today. Not just once. THREE times in 5 minutes!

For my SSM (selected study module), I have to record an interview with a patient, and then analyze it, and write an unbelievably long essay on what was done well and what could've been done better. A lot of wishy-washy stuff. I can't believe the things they make medical students do nowadays.

Anyway, I interviewed this elderly lady diagnosed with lung cancer. Did that yesterday. She's a very sweet lady, very obliging, and yesterday she was even more concerned than myself on how the recording went. When they broke the news of the diagnosis to her, she didn't take it very well, but ever since then she's put on a very brave front and tries to be philosophical about the whole thing. But when I talked to her I could sense that she was still trying to come to terms with reality.

I went to the ward today to do a full physical examination on her. Had to wait a while, the doctors were doing a ward round. Anyway, while we were waiting, she said to me "I need to pop into the loo for a while, and then I'll come back and we'll finish the job."

Obviously she meant it in another context. I think I've watched too many of those bad-guys-shooting-people kind of stories. I sort of smiled and automatically said "Well...." and I think I had a look on my face (I can't tell you what, coz obviously I didn't see it myself) and she saw it and then her face changed and she said "Oh no, I didn't mean THAT..."

Strike one, Hani. Well done.

When she got back, she was breathless quite a bit, and sat on the bed to catch her breath. Then she asked me "Am I holding you up?" to which I replied "Oh no, don't worry, I have lots of time to kill."

Strike two. I only pray that she didn't really hear what I said. As I drew the curtains of her cubicle I wished I had a gun to kill myself. Not literally la. But it was definitely one of those Ally McBeal moments.

I won't tell you the third occasion. It was similar to the first two. I'm sure you get the idea. A woman was trying to grasp the concept of dying, and there I was, saying things like that.

Next time I should pay attention to the communication skills sessions the medical school gives us.

Hero of Heroes

Was listening to my mp3 songs randomly on my laptop, and heard 'Hero of Heroes' after quite sometime. It's from the Hong Kong movie 'Swordsman', one of the best - and bizarre - trilogies ever (Swordsman I, Swordsman II, The East is Red).

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Waiting for all of them to be released on dvd.

'Hero of Heroes'
The seas laugh, lashing on both shores
Carried in the waves, we have only here and now
The heavens laugh at the troubled world
Only they know, who is to win and lose
The mountains laugh, the rain is afar
When the waves grow old, the world still goes on
The clear winds laugh, such a feeling of solitude
Bygone camaraderie leaving behind a tinge of melancholy
The earth laughs, solitude no more
My sentiments laughing still

Of course...translations aren't perfect. Nevertheless, it's a beautiful song

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Alaaa....dah habis dah....

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Last time I checked, gave a very good discount for Robin Hood : Prince of Thieves (Extended Version). It was 7.47 pounds. Now it's been increased to 15.99 .

Should've gotten it during the offer.

What I'm after is the 12-minute extra on the movie, and especially, Bryan Adam's music video (My favourite song of all time!!).


Oh well, have to wait for the next offer I guess...

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Lucky, lucky me

Yesterday, there was this 'Breastfeeding Awareness' thing that went on at the hospital cafeteria (I think it went on for a whole week but i noticed it only yesterday). I stopped by at the booth because there were free pens given out and I was desperate for one that I can use around the hospital (I lose pens during clinicals like nobody's business so I always carry with me the ones I won't be upset with if lost).

Anyway, apart from the free pens it was a golden opportunity for me to enquire something regarding feeding babies. My mom, the ever-anxious grandma asked me if babies can be given water (don't know why she trusts this setengah tiang medical student instead of proper doctors back home). So I said that I'd find out. And the ppl at the booth were quite the ones to ask. And they asked me if I wanted to enter a quiz abt breastfeeding. And so I did (coz I didn't want it to be so obvious I was there only for the freebie; and the question, of course).

Well, guess what? I got a phone call this morning to inform me that I was one of 3 ppl who won the quiz! I get a 3-pound voucher! That sorts out one lunch at the hospital restaurant. Never actually won anything like this before. Well, apart from the crossword puzzle my friends and I did for one of the English mags back in secondary school (Oookay, that sounds positively geeky). The point is, I actually won something! I'm sure they pick the winners by pulling them out from a box or something. That means that my luck is turning for the better!

Hmmm...I wonder if I should consider the national lottery....or one of those prize draws people always have...

Friday, May 13, 2005

Oh, so THAT'S where it is....

I've mentioned about the deplorable state of my kitchen, and what jokers some of the users are. I'd had enough of washing up after other people when they had finished using my pots and pans (diorang ingat barang wakaf agaknye. They seem to have a perverse idea that things will actually clean themselves if you ignore them long enough) so I've resorted to keeping all my cooking utensils in my room. Even bought a nice plastic container for it. Have been VERY happy ever since.

I put my dinner in the oven just now, and went back to my room. Left it a little bit too long, and when I opened the oven door smoke started coming out. I panicked, coz I didn't want to trigger the smoke alarm. I looked up at the ceiling to locate it and guess what I discovered? My long-lost kitchen towel, meticulously wrapped around the smoke alarm.

I often wondered what happened to that thing. At least the mystery is solved. Now, WHERE do you think those clowns placed my knife?

You are never too old for romance...

I saw 'Something's Gotta Give' last weekend, a movie starred by Jack Nicholson, Diane Keaton, and Keanu Reeves (who actually looked surprisingly normal in this movie). Didn't want to watch it at first, but when I saw it I was glad I did. There are 2 major things I learned from this movie :

1) You are never too old for love

2) Taking Viagra and nitroglycerin can kill you (hahahah! - let's see if I can impress my consultant with THAT piece of info!)

Jack Nicholson and Diane Keaton positively sizzled on screen! (I can't help laughing when I think about the scene when Keaton took Nicholson's blood pressure in the middle of....*ehem*....okay! Moving along....).

I loved how the movie ended. If it went the other way, well...hmmmm...

I guess I've not reached THAT level of liberal thinking....

Anyways, diverting into another direction a little bit, I can say as a matter of fact that love is very much alive even in old age. There's this elderly patient in one of the hospital wards I frequently go to, a very sweet old lady who always smiles when you pass her bed. Everyday, I see her husband coming to visit her, a man just as good-natured. He does everything for her, cleans the table after she finishes her meal, and just hangs around the ward just to be with her. I saw this couple the other day, the lady sitting in her chair and her husband at the edge of the bed, reading newspaper. Keeping each other company. Like it's like the most natural thing in the world, in a setting such as the hospital.

That reminds me of the song in 'The Wedding Singer'. You know, the Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore film. I think it's one of the sweetest romance-comedy movies ever.

Grow Old With You
I wanna make you smile
Whenever you're sad
Carry you around when your arthritis is bad
All I wanna do is grow old with you
I'll get your medicine when your tummy aches
Build you a fire if the furnace breaks
It would be so nice, growin' old with you
I'll miss you, kiss you
Give you my coat when you are cold
I'll need you, feed you
Even let you hold the remote control
So let me do the dishes in our kitchen sink
Put you to bed when you've had too much to drink
Oh I could be the man who grows old with you
I wanna grow old with you
(sung by Robbie Hart (Adam Sandler) to Julia Sullivan (Drew Barrymore))

This song is dedicated to Kak Nora and her fiance, who just got engaged. They say that love is blind, and marriage is an eye-opener *grins*. But I don't think that love is blind. Love is the willingness to turn a blind eye to another's imperfections. When you know somebody and accept him wholeheartedly, despite all his faults, then that is love. Of course, he might have certain habits that drive you absolutely up the wall, like forgetting the simplest things you ask him to do but heck, if you feel that despite that you're willing to spend the rest of your life with him, then it's for keeps.

Monday, May 09, 2005

The Many Faces of Azureen Sofia

This entry is for Miss Raihan Rozlee, who requested to see my niece's picture quite sometime ago. Sorry for the tardyness, Yan; I know I can easily email the pictures to you, but being the Mak Ngah who's ever so eager to show-off her niece.....well, you understand....

So ladies and gents, enjoy!


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22nd March 2005 : Look who the stork brought in....our little bundle of joy...

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The little Missy close-up

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Another one.....

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I call this her 'muka tak puas hati' look...

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This is my favourite picture. I have it as my laptop wallpaper (hai....tgk gambar ni, maner org nak pikir benda lain except nak balik Malaysia?)

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Heheh I like my sister's caption for this picture : 'Me and my new Ferrari'

So now tell me, who can blame me for wanting to go back home???

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Puteri Gunung Ledang

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I know I'm a bit ketinggalan zaman (or a lot, rather), but I finally watched Puteri Gunung Ledang last night. Shin Hann had the vcd so Vasan, him and I saw it on my laptop. Apart from the company - which was excellent - I have to say that it fell short of my expectations. Below are some reasons why *spoilers ahead!!*:

1) I didn't see the RM16 juta spent on the movie.

2) It was supposed to be an epic love story. There was no chemistry between the two lead characters. If it wasn't for the physical contact between the two I wouldn't have guessed that they were in love. Ummm I know this is kind of a prudish question, tapi zaman tu boleh ke pegang anak dara orang sesuke hati jek?. I thought that was the point of the dance they did together - another way of expressing their feelings, because physical touch between ppl of opposite sexes was taboo (well not to say zaman sekarang ni boleh la, but that's looking at it from another point of view...).

3) No one's character was developed properly, most of all Hang Tuah's (which was of paramount importance). I feel the screenwriter presumed that everyone who watches the movie have prior knowledge of Hang Tuah's legendary loyalty to the king. This was not very evident in the movie. Despite my knowledge on that matter, I got a bit confused when Hang Tuah suddenly gave Tun Mamat his persalinan to be given to the Sultan, saying that he failed to carry out his duties (I was thinking "Huh? Failure? Like, how? Pasal tetibe lak ni?")

4) I feel Sofea Jane's character as Tun Teja in the movie was unnecessary. She didn't add anything to the storyline. I also saw the scenes edited out from the movie, which showed a flashback when Hang Tuah 'kidnapped' Tun Teja from Pahang for the Sultan. If that was included in the movie then I guess Sofea Jane's appearance in the movie would've made sense (you know, the whole Hang Tuah's I-would-do-anything-for-my-Sultan thing).

5) Don't you think the Sultan was a little bit...ummm..'lustful' in some scenes? In others he looked so puzzled with whatever sweet nothings whispered by the pembesar istana, which only showed that not all of noble birth are endowed with intelligence as well.

6) Some parts of the dialogue were so out of place. They seemed too modern to be uttered by anyone from the 16th century.

7) Sabri Yunus' rambling about pelempang bugis and pelempang jawa and pelempang arab and pelempang rawa got a bit tedious after the first two times. What was that supposed to be, comic relief?

7) Don't get me wrong, I'm okay with men expressing themselves, but I think the whole hugging 'I feel your pain, man' scene between Datuk Bendahara and Hang Tuah was a bit, C'mon, 16th century men don't hug like that! (at least, I don't think so..)

8) Gusti Putri's Javanese accent so tak jadi.

9) With all her mystical powers (the telepathic communication with her brother, the whole manipulation of nature thing), Gusti Putri still lost to the Sultan, a simpleton as he was. She couldn't do anything when he put that curse on her. I guess that's what happens when you langgar daulat Sultan. Hmmm being the Sultan certainly has its benefits....

10) The ending was a bit tergantung. So what happened to Hang Tuah? Well, I know la what happened, but it didn't have a good enough closure. So what, he wondered on top of Gunung Ledang for the rest of his life? Did he see her and then die an awful death? What? What??

Okay! now the good points (ummm...lebih kurang la..):

1) Loved the music

2) Good fighting scenes, although I think men flying across the field after being hit and levitating in the air were a bit overdone. But, since all movies do it nowadays I guess we have to keep up with the times.

3) I liked the scene when Gusti Putri did the dance and she coyly flicked her kain and showered Hang Tuah with the flowers. VERY cute. (But do Princesses dance in front of people? Isn't that, ummm..beneath their station? But still....nice touch)

4) I'm a sucker for Bahasa Melayu yang berbunga-bunga. So I kinda liked the fact that they were sprouting words of wisdom every minute or so. My favourite line : "Kalau nak menurut biar berakal, mengikut biar pintar.." Fulamak! Cayalah M Nasir!! (hahah!)

5) You know the part when Gusti Putri changed into the nenek kebayan? I thought that was freaky! Also the whole singing thing! Patutla org kata Gunung Ledang tempat keras...seram kalau dengar orang nyanyi camtu!

6) I also liked the part when the rombongan meminang was attacked by the jungle creepers. Gusti Putri's moves looked quite impressive.

Overall, it was a good effort, but it had so much potential that was untapped. I feel that they should've explored more on Hang Tuah's loyalty to the Sultan, and how his own principles were finally challenged when he fell in love (so then Gusti Putri's bitter words "Tuah tetap Tuah.." would've been justified). But, unfortunately, like most filem Melayu, they only tell tales of people, and don't go deep into the characters' roles and explore the complexities of human emotions.

Now THAT is a tragedy of epic proportions.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Tengah angau nih...

I was looking through Azureen's pictures my sister downloaded onto a website...She's grown bigger now, comel sangat. Looks a bit different, dah montel cuddly...

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*sigh* I miss holding her. I'm so much looking forward to summer hols. Abah said that she can lift her head up now. In no time she'll be able to move around by herself.

Aaaaa nak balik!!!!

I'm listening to 'Bagaikan Sakti'; a duet by M. Nasir and Siti Nurhaliza, from Puteri Gunung Ledang soundtrack. I love the opening verse and pantun:

'Setapak melangkah, dua langkah ingatan kanda pada dinda"

"Adinda bersumpah, jikalau kekanda tidak kembali, adinda akan menyusul kekanda. Menginjak pada tanah yang sama, bernafas pada udara yang sama.."

"Berlayar berbelok-belok, sauh dibongkar di tempat tenang.

Yang tinggal hati tak elok, yang pergi hati tak senang.

Bila sampai waktu, kita akan bersama...."

Yeah, yeah...I can hear you. "Jiwangnyer," you say. So sue me.

How old we are, how old (by Dina Zaman)

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