Friday, May 13, 2005

Oh, so THAT'S where it is....

I've mentioned about the deplorable state of my kitchen, and what jokers some of the users are. I'd had enough of washing up after other people when they had finished using my pots and pans (diorang ingat barang wakaf agaknye. They seem to have a perverse idea that things will actually clean themselves if you ignore them long enough) so I've resorted to keeping all my cooking utensils in my room. Even bought a nice plastic container for it. Have been VERY happy ever since.

I put my dinner in the oven just now, and went back to my room. Left it a little bit too long, and when I opened the oven door smoke started coming out. I panicked, coz I didn't want to trigger the smoke alarm. I looked up at the ceiling to locate it and guess what I discovered? My long-lost kitchen towel, meticulously wrapped around the smoke alarm.

I often wondered what happened to that thing. At least the mystery is solved. Now, WHERE do you think those clowns placed my knife?

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