Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Hero of Heroes

Was listening to my mp3 songs randomly on my laptop, and heard 'Hero of Heroes' after quite sometime. It's from the Hong Kong movie 'Swordsman', one of the best - and bizarre - trilogies ever (Swordsman I, Swordsman II, The East is Red).

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Waiting for all of them to be released on dvd.

'Hero of Heroes'
The seas laugh, lashing on both shores
Carried in the waves, we have only here and now
The heavens laugh at the troubled world
Only they know, who is to win and lose
The mountains laugh, the rain is afar
When the waves grow old, the world still goes on
The clear winds laugh, such a feeling of solitude
Bygone camaraderie leaving behind a tinge of melancholy
The earth laughs, solitude no more
My sentiments laughing still

Of course...translations aren't perfect. Nevertheless, it's a beautiful song

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah. i remembered that song and the story. pretty nice eventhough i didn't even know wat the lyric meant till now. watched it on a small tv (15 inch i think) with 15 people. rm2 ticket!

those were the days.