Monday, July 25, 2005

Back at last....

It's been a week since I've been back....lots of things have's a gist of what had happened so far:

1) Exams were tough. Written papers were killers, I actually had thoughts of repeats in September.

2) Packing my things out of the room was a bigger killer. Note to self : DO NOT buy anymore things!!

3) Met abah & mak at the airport. Saw Azureen for the first time since March. Mak aih!! She's chubbier than her pictures!! I definitely recommend breast milk for any baby....

4) Met up with a certain someone I've not seen since my last birthday. Had a great time (as we always do, even when doing nothing..)

5) Had a majlis cukur jambul & berandoi for Azureen today. Penat giler.

6) Oh yeah, my exam results came out! I PASSED!!! Fourth year, here I come!! *ehem* What I mean is : Alhamdulillah....God is certainly very good to me....

7) Okay, now for some pictures (Azureen punya la, saper lagi....):

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Now THIS is how chubby she really is

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Beautiful girl....

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Azureen (trying on her baju kurung the night before majlis bercukur) and Kak Sih

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Azureen and (bits of) her mak ngah after all the guests went home

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When my sister wanted to get the headband, I said "No, you're NOT gonna put that on my niece's head!" Tapi dah pakai tu comel la pulak..(which goes to show adorable babies can pull off anything - or maybe, just my niece...hehe)

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