Sunday, July 31, 2005

AF lagi....

*Before I begin, I'm obliged to give a word of caution to anyone who reads this : What is written below is MY OWN OPINION. It may be unpleasant to you, especially if you're one of the avid viewers of the show. So, if you are very sensitive about the subject, ABORT! ABORT! (i.e. Please exit this page NOW!!)*

I guess this topic does not need an introduction. AF = Akademi Fantasia. A group youngsters aspiring to be the next big discovery of the entertainment industry are 'enrolled' into the academy, where they are taught by a team of people on the art of singing, dancing etc. Reality tv style. Every week the students perform, and each week one student would be expelled. Whether a student stays or goes depend on how many votes received via SMS from the public.

AF is in its 3rd year now. I followed AF quite closely in the first year, watched a couple of the concerts in the 2nd year, and tonight was the first time I watched the concert for this installment. Ever since the first year, one thing is evident : It's all about looks. Talent is secondary (or even further down the list).

Oh, I don't deny that some of the winners deserved what they got. Vince was good (he was blessed with a complete package of talent and looks). Zahid was undeniably a very deserving winner of AF2 due to his versatility. Some others...well, the fact that they went so far despite their inability to carry a tune to save their own skins is the eighth wonder of the world to me. Huge talents like Sahri AF1 and Bob AF2 were pushed aside because 'package tak complete'; when it came to physical attributes they didn't inspire admiration in screaming girls and their mothers, the same people who spend RM50 a week just to make sure their favourites reach the finals, regardless of talent.

Malaysians are notorious for preferring things based on face value instead of real quality, so it's not really a shocker. Because of that, the fact that some people said Sepet didn't deserve to win the Film Festival over another lavish and yet inferior production didn't exactly make me go into a cardiac arrest and collapse on the floor.

But I'm going off at a tangent here. Ok, back on track. Some of my objections towards AF are as follows :

1) The whole crying thingy when someone is eliminated out of AF. Malaysian crowd has always been very emotional, but I think reality tv has brought the meaning of the word 'emotional' to greater heights. I don't know if those people even cry THAT much if their children get expelled from school. Or follow as closely of their children's progress; if parents are as interested and as passionate in their children's education as they are watching AF, I can assure you, we can stop worrying about the quality of tomorrow's leaders.

2) And hugging between men and women? I think this subject has been exhausted by many people; in newspapers, on the internet etc. The fact that many of the people involved are Muslims, they should know better. And please, don't give me that he's-like-my-brother/son/father/grandfather (and vice versa with females) rubbish. The fact is, these people are NOT your relations (to be specific, your muhrim) so PLEASE behave accordingly. The sight of tudung-clad women, even, behave in such a way on national tv makes my heart bleed. Youngsters nowadays are very impressionable, and they always follow by example. At the rate tv shows are going with this new 'trend', I'm starting to feel that the only channels I feel comfortable showing to my niece (and my not-yet-existing children) are Animal Planet and Discovery Channel (no, not even cartoons, but that's another story...).

3) SMS voting. Whoever came up with the idea is a pure genius. What better way can there be to make the public willingly give their money? But I guess I can't say much about this subject. What people do with their money is their own business...just wish that they have more sense to put aside that money spent for their children's education, instead of complaining that the government doesn't give enough scholarships (without realizing the fact that our country is possibly the only country that gives out scholarships on such a large scale and amount, and yet they are not thankful...but again, that's another story....).

AF3 will reach its conclusion next weekend. The winner of this season is fairly obvious, for some reasons, whatever they may be. The interesting bit is guessing who the runners-up are. Undoubtedly, this whole week, fingers will be flying on mobile phones to submit votes; tongues wagging, talking about the finals; and plans are being made to keep Saturday evening free. One thing for sure, on Saturday night, there will be a lot of crying and hugging, on a larger scale than before, befitting the finale of Akademi Fantasia 3.

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