Friday, March 24, 2006


Went to a roller-skating rink for a friend's birthday today. Never skated before in my life, I have one of those moms who says 'no' to almost anything.

Now I know why.

It wasn't as easy as it looked. Spent most of the first half-hour clinging to the railing. After that, I could actually skate forwards, but the problem was I didn't know how to stop.

Fell down quite a few times. I think I set a new record for that place. Fell on my rear end a few times, once I even collided with another person. Another time I fell on my left leg, I felt something cracked. Probably I pulled a ligament or two.

I am SO gonna be sore tomorrow.

That experience was like a reality check for me. I liked to think that I'd be able to do anything, learn new skills easily. Although I'm sure I'd be able to do it if I practiced long enough, but the fact that I'm not a very fast learner is a very sobering thought.

Ah well, so I won't be able to make it for the cast of Starlight Express. I guess I'm just one of those people more suited to have both feet planted firmly on the ground.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Tagged!! (yet again..)

Hello kids! (I know, I know, most of you people are old enough to be mak and bapak orang, but don't be offended...just humour me okay?)

Post-Human Development exam, I am still alive. How did it go? I have no idea. It was one of those strange papers where they asked the most trivial things. Just hope I did okay.

Neways, having 1 week of lectures now...kinda boring to be honest - with all due respect to the lecturers of's just that ENT is not my thing. Snotty noses and waxy ears. If you're a medical student / junior doctor, and you're deciding on which area you want to specialize in, I've been told that you're supposed to choose something that doesn't gross you out. Yes people, it's not merely blood we have to deal with. There are other bodily secretions and a few other bits and pieces. For example, if you're comfortable looking at patients' sputum pots, then you can consider respiratory medicine. If you can look up people's as*es and still maintain your dignity, hey, we'll make a colorectal surgeon out of you!

Oookay, I'm sure most of you are put off already. So we'll move along swiftly. Sorry folks, if you mix around people in the medical profession long enough you'd notice that they'll bring their work wherever they go; at the dinner table, family gatherings, in conversations with random strangers. As long as there's an audience. It's just that we tend to think that other people are just as enthusiastic about the topic as we are, no matter how disgusting. These last 4 years, I've learned that no one in my family can stand the descriptions of the gory side of medicine, nor are they interested in it. So I've decided to keep my enthusiasm to myself.

Sheesh, it's like I'm having verbal diarrhoea or something (not exactly verbal la, since I'm typing them down). Neways, as the title suggested, I've been tagged! Kit's the culprit. So here goes....

Tag : 4 Things

4 jobs
1) Mak's secretary
2) Everyone's driver
3) Everyone's errand-girl (or woman, whatever)
4) Azureen's photographer

4 movies I love
1) Meet Me in St Louis
2) Lord of the Rings Trilogy (I don't care..this counts as one)
3) Robin Hood : Men in Tights
4) P. Ramlee's Bujang Lapok Series and Sarjan Hassan (I don't care!! They count as one as well!!)
**This goes to prove that doctors can't count..

4 places I've lived
1) Terengganu (I was born there...don't remember much for obvious reasons)
2) Klang, Selangor
3) Sabah
4) A private halls of residence down the road. In my 2nd year

4 tv shows I love to watch
**I hate it when they ask this question. It's assumed that EVERYONE owns and watches tv. I don't have a tv here..only watch tv when I got back to Msia. But to answer the question:
1) Whose Line is it Anyway
2) CSI
3) CSI : Miami
4) Lonely Planet. When it's Ian Wright

4 places I've been on vacation
1) United States of America (California, Florida)
2) Australia
3) Egypt
4) Indonesia (I do go to countries in the SE Asia region...)

4 blogs I visit daily
1) Kit-and-Althie's
2) Kenny Sia at That bloke can really write!
3) Afdlin Shauki's blog
4) hmm sape lagi ye?

4 favourite foods
1) Mak's chicken rice!!
2) Tom Yam
3) Mak's laksa johor
4) Ayam berlada

4 places I'd rather be..
1) Home
2) Home
3) Home
4) Where the heart is..(apart from home la...)

4 albums I can't live without
1) Michael Buble's self-titled album
2) Kumpulan Vokal Berharmoni album (hehe...what can I say..)
3) Sudirman Dwidekad
4) Francesca Peters' Suara Rindu Fran

4 vehicles I've owned
1) Ermm...basikal
2) Basikal
3) Basikal
4) Kelisa (which is technically my sister's, but I share it with her)

4 taggees
1) Peah
2) Yatt
3) Niesa
4) You!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Jalan2 cari makan....

Been having GP attachment beginning this week...thursday's the last day (it's technically today, since it's already 1.45 am..). Wednesday's half day, the afternoons are reserved by the college for sports activities, regardless whether you're inclined to do it or prizes for guessing my preference..hehe..

Neways, since I had the afternoon off, my mind began to think of ways of keeping myself occupied for the day. Nevermind the exam on Friday, I just had to take a break...

And I decided to go to Central London. Purely because the on the previous night just before I fell asleep I felt like eating chinese fried rice with sweet sour chicken at Chopstix.

You might wonder why I actually travelled 45 minutes on the bus for a Chinese takeaway...well I wonder myself. Must be my upbringing. Growing up, I remember the whole family going on a long trip just to eat something.

1) Before Pizza Hut came to Seremban, my parents took my sisters and I to Malacca whenever we felt like having pizza. We would then stop by at Jusco on the way home coz my mom loves the danish bread there. Apart from Malacca, we used to go to The Mall in KL.

2) Ming Court Hotel in Port Dickson had the best ice kacang ever!! We'd go to PD during hot afternoons to treat ourselves. Don't know what happened to that hotel. Last I heard it was closed for renovation

3) There was a time when we'd go to KL just because we wanted to eat steak at Victoria Station.

4) Oh yes! Nasi daun pisang in PD Golf of our frequent haunts these days

5) Port Dickson again....on Saturdays or Sundays we used to go to this particular stall for breakfast..they have the best nasi lemak ever

Come to think of wasn't so much because of the was the family trips that mattered..

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Just about enough

To be perfectly honest, I feel that Paeds is the attachment (so far) that I've enjoyed the least.

Strange, the one specialty I had been planning and dreaming to do eversince I decided to go into medicine, it let me down.

Or rather, I've let myself down.

Maybe it's because of the circumstances, I didn't really enjoy the hospital rotation. It was done in such a way that you don't have any particular attachment to the department. Perhaps it's also because I had such an amazing time in O&G that when I started Paeds, it did not meet my expectations.

Don't get me wrong, paediatrics itself is an interesting subject.

But then, why do I wake up in the morning, trying to find excuses not to go for lectures although it's just 2 minutes' walk away? I still attend, of course, but more often than not, I sit there being (overly) critical of the lecture, and feeling cross at the same time.

I know I'm over reacting, but I cannot help it, no matter how many times I try to psych myself up, trying to be optimistic.

You see, I'm one of those people who can't change their minds about something once they've made their mind up. VERY unfortunate.

Disappointment was the first emotion I felt when I started this rotation. And it stayed that way, mostly because my mind refuses to see the silver lining around the dark cloud.

I've had just about enough. With the rotation, and with my negative attitude.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Not again!

Yup, changed how my blog looks. Not that it makes any difference, but self-satisfaction is important, u know..

Have O&G and Paediatrics exams on 17th March, which explains why I suddenly have the burning desire to blog + change the template instead of studying.

Can't wait to go home.

It's 2:19 am. I better sleep.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Had a late night last night (don't ask me why, coz I'm not gonna answer may guess though *winks*) and I set my alarm to wake up early, had resus training skills at 9 am. Tengah sronok2 tido, had a nice dream even, I was woken up by a loud knocking at my door.

"Sapela yang datang pepagi bute ni..." I looked at my clock.

It was 8.33 a.m.


I somersaulted off my bed onto the floor (hehe drama la sket..) and opened the door and told a much-surprised Shar "Go, go! Don't wait for me!!" (ala2 citer perang gitu...)

I got changed, brushed my teeth, washed my face, even had time to put on my contacts, packed my stuff. Ran from Floyer House to the bus stop in front of Royal London. Bus came just as I arrived (God is really great!)

Called Shar to ask where she was, and discovered I was only on the bus after hers. Met her at the bus stop, walked to the resus building.

I made it on time.

The duration from when I jumped out of bed to the time I got on the bus was 10 minutes. TEN FREAKIN' MINUTES!!

Well, if you're not impressed, I am. Me, who usually take 45 minutes on average to get ready in the morning.

Hehe I know what you Malaysian people out there think : "Tak mandi la tu" with smirks on your faces. Well, darlings, nasib baik la kat UK ni sejuk you can get away with not showering in the morning and not smelling like you haven't. Kalo kat Malaysia, alamat memang ponteng la kelas pagi....

Begitulah drama pagi ini. Sekian.