Friday, October 28, 2005

The Phantom Menace!!! ( menace)

I guess you get them every year; those nutcases that think other people's kitchen utensils belong to the general public (What is this?? Communism???).

I thought what happened last year wouldn't repeat itself with new tenants in the flat. Looks like these people help themselves with pots and pans and whatnots that don't belong to them.

Don't get me wrong, borrowing is fine with me, AS LONG AS they wash them and put those things back from where they came from. AND if they took good care of them.

Aaaaaaaaaaa!!!! My non-stick periuk!!!!!! Habis calar!! *howls in frustration*

(If I knew the culprit, abis kena pelangkung hantu tu!!)

*takes deep breaths in and out* (Sabar Hani....bulan puasa.....)

If I believed in karma, I'd think that I did some unpardonable sin in the past.

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