Just wanna share the song with you. If anyone's interested, let me know and I'll email it to you ok? (Kalau nak la, kalau takmo takde kecik hati de....)
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
You are my ice kacang....
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Been tagged by Peah..thought it'll be fun to play along...
20 years ago, 1985
To be honest, I can't quite remember much...my eldest sister was seven, I was three, and my youngest sister - my playmate and confidante - was born. We were staying in Klang at that time. I must have done what every 3 year-olds would do (or not), but as I said, I can't remember that much....
10 years ago, 1995
Gosh, has it been THAT long? This was the year I entered Form 1, was one of the pioneers of the newly-built SMK Puteri. I remembered the first day of school, wearing the baju kurung with the light blue kain, looking at the prefects with awe. I thought that they were so grown-up then. I was a shy first-former. Most of my classmates in 1 Sigma were from my previous school (SRK Convent..in fact, SMK Puteri IS actually a Convent school in essence, we had to change the name when we moved) so it was not hard to settle in.
1995-1999 (Secondary school)
**This part saje tambah sendiri....**
Some of the best years of my life. I felt that I truly bloomed (ewah) from an awkward, shy person to a confident teenager capable to take on the world (hehehe a bit of dramatization here). Spending my years at Puteri school shaped me to become the person I am now. There were lots of happy memories : the gossips in class, the pranks we played, the Canteen Days, Teachers' Day etc. Going to the field for PE and doing the UDTA (you know...jangkauan melunjur, bangkit tubi, tekan tubi, lari 1500m). We'd come to school the next day (if we ever came at all) having sore legs, abdo and arms (biasala....tak biasa buat exercise..hehe).
During pre-exam period, many of the girls in my class would mysteriously disappear from school...no, not to go out lepaking at Terminal One, but actually to study. Kiasu giler.
One of the sweetest memories of school was when my class put up a musical - Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cincerella - in the (then) new school hall. We were Fifth Formers then, and we thought that if we didn't make use of the hall, we'd never have the chance again. So there we were, amidst preparations for SPM, we took time to rehearse, do the props, paint the backdrop, choreograph the dances. I had to choreograph the waltz, and I remember the hours my sister and I spent in front of the tv trying to find inspiration from the original movie as well as some others. We never had a full rehearsal before the actual show, so on the day itself, we just did the best we could. Raised quite a bit of money, we did (it was open to the public) and the proof of our hard work can still be seen in school, our class name immortalized on the two stone benches bought with the profits 'Sumbangan Ikhlas daripada 5 Sigma 1999' (hehehe benches..but hey, at least we contributed something to the school)
5 years ago, 2000
Lots of things happened this year. Went for Haj with family, which was most memorable and uplifting experience. Entered Kolej Matrikulasi Melaka for 1 semester, my first time being away from home. It was a bittersweet experience : more bitter than sweet. Opened my eyes to many things. Got my scholarship (alhamdulillah..), enrolled into Kolej Mara Banting. Had the funnest 2 years, can't forget the Block F parties we had!! We SO rock!! (heheheh).
2 years ago, 2003
I was in my 2nd year Med course. For some reasons I can't share with you, it was the most depressing year of my life, can't remember how many tears I shed. Thank God for my parents, who were always there for me...and God sent me my guardian angel, who kept me sane and never failed to cheer me up.
Last year, 2004
I was halfway through 2nd year, and then started 3rd year in September. Things turned out for the better when I entered 3rd year, so it was half good, half bad.
This year, 2005
3 and a half months left. My niece was born 22nd March this year. Had the best summer holiday. Am very happy, alhamdulillah. Looking forward to the days to come.
Next year, 2006
I'd be a finalist September 2006! (InsyaAllah..) Ackk!! I hope that by that time I'd be equipped with the knowledge and skills to become a PRHO...
10 years from now, 2015
33 years old huh? When I was 13 I thought 23 was a green old age. InsyaAllah by this time I'll be making progress in my career, thinking of paediatrics as my main specialty (maybe sub-specialize even further..what do you think?). Hopefully I would've settled down by then, with ummm a few kids of my own? How many? Hmmm entahla, have to discuss with their father *winks*
Since this is a game of tag, I'd like to tag KittePryde, Teadrinker, Amydoll, Yan and Yatt.
TAG! You're it!!
Sunday, September 18, 2005
A review on 'Pride and Prejudice' (aka 'Hah! I told you so!!')
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Back in London
Summer holidays have officially ended! Arrived in London yesterday morning at 5.30 a.m., arrived at Floyer House's doorstep at approx. 7.45 a.m...Wai Kah opened the door and offered me breakfast, bless him..