Saturday, May 05, 2007

Spiderman's Back!

No, don't get the wrong idea. I'm not a big spiderman fan. But I did watch Spiderman 1, 2; and today 3.

Overall the movie was good entertainment. It was quite nice watching it at the cinema, where there were lots of people to laugh along with you.

I have to say though, Spiderman's the geekiest, nerdiest hero ever. Don't know what Mary Jane saw in him. And he was quite full of himself in this movie (those were the comic moments, but there were times when I felt like slapping him on the head).

Highlight of the movie : James Franco (who played Harry Osborn). Now THAT'S really a....really a...sigh... *dreamy eyes*

Hey, I'm human too okay.

Too bad we're not on the same continent...(LOL....ada hati lagi tu...)

Addendum : I have to declare here that I'll be over James Franco by tomorrow (or else I might get into trouble hehe). It is just a passing phase. Just enjoying it while it lasts. At the end of the day there's ONLY ONE PERSON. Capiche?

Ack, that's almost a romantic declaration. God save us all.


Anonymous said...

ok, clarify me...

1st the lagu orang kawin below.

and now this ONLY ONE PERSON thingy??


so, ur not really the innocent 18 u claim to be???

*'gotcha' look*

hahahaha, oh yess that Harry guy is really a drool-over!!

Anonymous said...

well for some people at the end of the day there's ONLY FOUR PERSONS :/....

Kit Pryde said...

i don't know WHEN i'll be able to watch spidey 3 - have to finish pantang 1st. hopefully althie will take me out for a movie orgy on June 10.

i am SO counting the days til this confinement period is over.

food. can't stop obsessing over food.

Hani Izhar said...

miss forever-22 : hehehe as I said, the lagu orang kawin reminds me of the happier times when I was growing up.

and aku simpan untuk korang laa *sly look* so nanti x payah susah2 mp3 collection is growing!!

betul la only one person...kalau ramai2 karang pening nanti (tak betul ke? hehehe). Whoever that 'one person' may be...*grins*

yes i'm ALWAYS 18...innocence has nothing to do with it...or lack of it *ROFL*

Hani Izhar said...

beetle : four is a VERY RISKY VENTURE. Really. Don't even go there

Hani Izhar said...

kit : xpe, confinement will be over before you know it!

At least you get to spend lots of time with Sofiah. Might as well enjoy it while it lasts. And yeah, make sure Althie gets his share of waking up in the middle of the night *grins* at least for diaper change, i know he can't help much with the other department ;)

big kisses to Sofiah and a huge hug to you!