Thursday, June 29, 2006

I'm (not) what?

You are 28.57% jealous!

For this test, the average jealousy percentage is 35.54%.

524789 people have taken this test to date.

This percentage means that :

You have very few jealous traits.

You rarely over-react and have a handle on the severity of situations.

Whatever jealous attributes you do have will not present a problem in relationships, and will sometimes help.


**Eh, macam sikit je...

if you want to find out about yourself, click here

Psychiatry no more

This week's the last week of my Psychiatry rotation.

Had my last ward round last Tuesday. I got to write in the notes again. The SHO was on leave so I took over (hehehe...*gelak evil*).

At the end of the ward round, sat down with the consultant for assessment and signing of my log book.

The consultant was really nice. He actually wrote in my logbook 'excellent social graces'. Well, for my lack of knowledge I have to make up somehow by being enthusiastic.

It WAS a good firm. I'll miss each and every patient there, crazy or not.

It was one of the best rotation I've had this year. I still want to do Obs&Gynae, but I think I'll take up Psychiatry as a special interest.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

What keeps me going...

**4th year med is just too long. Can't wait to go home. **

1) The thought that I'll be home in a little bit more than a month

2) Thoughts of Azureen and my parents' reports of her progress. Video clips of her that I took whenever I was home help a lot

3) That midnight phone call

4) The thought that I'd be seeing that someone after 11 long months

5) My next-door neighbour (also my best friend, my ex-classmate, my ex-roommate), who knows me more than anyone else (in many ways)

Saturday, June 10, 2006



That's all I can say.

There are SO many weddings!

Everyone I know got married/is getting married this year!

Is it something in the air? Something in the water?

There are nine so far....I suppose I can expect more.

Don't get me wrong, I adore weddings, and I'm glad that everyone who's getting married is doing so...I wish them all the happiness in the world.

Just astounded by the sheer number, I guess. I'm also painfully reminded of my age...well, 23 (ok ok..24 this year) is not old, but that's about the time pressure sets in, isn't it?'s scary.

Being grown-up doesn't seem like a good idea at the moment.

Better be prepared to dodge nosy questions from nosy makciks this summer hols....

Friday, June 09, 2006

Comic relief

As I was blog-hopping, wasting time (as usual), I found sth on someone's blog. Twas quite funny. And since my own blog has been filled with my teenage angst (although I'm not a teen anymore I sure feel like one, so just go along with me on this one) I thought that it'll be nice to lighten the blog a bit with this little piece...enjoy!


You might like this. This is hilarious... even an Englishman could not construct sentences using numeric, which is exclusive only to Malaysians and Singaporeans.

Ah Lek was asked to make a sentence using 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10. Not only did he do it 1 to 10, he did it again from 10 back to 1. This is what he came up with... 1 day I go 2 climb up a 3 outside a house to peep. But the couple saw me, so I panic and 4 down. The man rush out and wanted to 5 with me. I run until I fall 6 and throw up. So I go into 7 eleven and grab some 8 to throw at him. Then I took a 9 and try to stab him. 10 God he run away.

So, I put the 9 back and pay for the 8 and left 7 eleven. Next day, I call my boss and say I am 6 . He said 5, tomorrow also no need to come back 4 work. He also asks me to climb a 3 and jump down. I don't understand, I am so nice 2 him but I don't know what he 1.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

When she was bad....

Finally recovered from perpetual 'crabbiness', all is bright and beautiful again *grins*.

Had psychiatry lectures today. It. Was. So. Boring! For the first lecture, the consultant was quite pleasing to look at *winks* but even that didn't help save the lecture. Or perhaps it has something to do with the late-night marathon I did...hmm...

After the first lecture, one of my friends wanted to get her ticket to go back home for the summer. Since I knew I was gonna sleep anyway if I stayed, I decided to accompany her. (What?? I was SO going to sleep, and besides, I haven't been to Central London in ages! And they have the lecture handouts online, so it wasn't that bad, was it?)

So off we went, had to go to two travel agents to find a decent deal. After that we stopped at my favourite shoe shop - Clarks!!

The only reason why all my shoes over here are Clarks shoes is because their shoes are some of the most comfortable I've ever worn. And my feet are kinda fussy about shoes. I needed some summer footwear.

I saw one casual wear I've been eyeing for a couple of weeks, so I grabbed that pair in about 5 minutes. Paid for those at the counter, and then my eyes fell onto another pair - oh! They're so pretty!! Tried them on - VERY comfortable heels. Looked at the price. Hmm. It was ok (a little bit pricey but still not too bad) but then I'd already bought a pair. Had to think. Went walking around the shop with the shoes for about 5 mins. Then I felt a bit conscious since one of those guys working there kept looking at me with the shoes, asking if I've made my mind up. So I took them off. Walked around somemore with the shoes in my hand. Ignored the guy. Then I thought "Oh, what the heck" so I marched to the counter and told the cashier firmly "I'll take them".

Now I have 2 more pairs to add to my collection (not that they're THAT many, compared to other people I know, they need a whole cupboard to keep all their shoes!). Mine is just lined up near my door.

So yeah, I've been a little bit naughty today...didn't go for lectures, spent quite a bit...

I promise I'll be very good from now on...

VERY, VERY good.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

**This post has been removed**