Thursday, February 24, 2005

4 a.m. and still awake....


PPD exams on Friday (dun ask me what PPD is, I can't for the life of me remember at this crazy hour).

Been going through lecture notes on Epidemiology & Public Health..and Ethics. To tell the truth, I find it quite interesting. Not for exams purposes, of course. Most of the materials from the lectures seem new to me, due to the fact that I sleep during lectures (can't help it!! I try so hard to stay awake! I swear!!).

Starting to merepek again. Neways I'm soooo looking forward to getting Friday over and done with. Then I can go back to my life of idleness...well actually, there are 3 books I just bought that I'm dying to read - Princess Bride, Da Vinci Code Undecoded and the Rough Guide to Da Vinci Code (notice how other things seem more interesting than what you're supposed to do, namely studying).

Why am I jumping from one topic to another? (can't help thinking of an animal that swings from tree to tree). I can't even remember what I meant to write about in the first place.

Oh well.....*yawn*

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