Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Hi. Just random thoughts

* Yes, I'm alive.
* Am in O&G department now. So far, so good..
* 4 months to finish housemanship. Yay!
* David Cook won American Idol 7. For once, America got it right!
* Can't wait for next month. Waiting for a silvery-blue object on wheels. Super duper excited! Finally my very own car!
* As Yana puts it, there are lots of things under the rug. Waiting for the time to sweep them clean (just hope I don't chicken out).
* You know what, I'm starting to believe that change IS good
* Or maybe I'm fooling myself again
* Either way I'm preparing myself. Come what may. I don't care. Well actually, I do. Either way I'll be damned if I let it get the better of me.
* Surprisingly, I'm happy. Most of the time. Although 'TIRED' is the operative word.
* It's surprising how you know someone so little after so long. Or maybe all this time you're just fooling yourself.
* Sometimes I do the things I do for the sake of self-preservation. Nothing against you, but I have to start looking after me. I'm tired of being considerate all the time.
* Gosh, this entry's going downhill. Let's think happy thoughts.
* I'm gonna watch David Cook again. =)

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