Sunday, October 21, 2007

Sape nak kurus?

......jadilah houseman kat medical ward.

Weighed myself yesterday, lost abt 6 kg in 1 month. It's so scary!! My clothes all seem loose, the hemline of my jeans and slacks sweep the floor, my watch dangling on my wrist all the time.

Really exhausting work being a medical HO, I can tell you.

Just finished 2 weeks' worth of EOD (every other day) on call, my Raya didn't feel like Raya,
I only come back home to sleep during weekends, only to leave early in the morning for work again.

I love my job (I try to convince myself).

I said before, there are good days, there are bad days. But today I feel a bit whiny, so you hear the horror stories.

Don't think I'm cut out to be a physician. When you have to clerk a patient who comes in with diarrhoea at 3 am in the morning, you wonder perhaps it'll be better if you become a full-time housewife with a medical degree.

Well, I'm not seriously thinking it. At least, not really. No...not really.....hmm....

They say surgical rotation is much more fun. And O&G worse than general medicine.

I SO can't wait.

Speaking positively, I'm learning lots. I do make mistakes sometimes, but I pray all the time that it won't be at the cost of someone's life.

It's a life-and-death business after all.