Sunday, February 12, 2006

A note from outerspace...

Hello everyone.

This page has been inactive for a while (yes, I warned you). For those who still come and check whether I'm still alive or not or whether I've been kidnapped by aliens, I thank you from the bottom of my heart, I am still alive and kicking. As for the latter, the aliens found out that I'm an anomaly and I wouldn't represent the human species accurately so they decided not to kidnap me (the nerve!!). And I forgive you for the curses you muttered upon finding that my blog hasn't been updated for the one gazillionth time you've visited.

Was blog-surfing today - yes, although life's been busy, I've not taken leave from being a very kay-poh person, so I still know what's going on with people I spy on!-...where was I? Oh yeah, I was blog-surfing today, and then suddenly I miss my own blog. Thought I'd visit to say hi.

It's already February, where did all the time go? Must have sped forwards when I wasn't looking.

I made a career decision. To be exact, a career change. I want to do O&G. No more Paeds for me. I still love children, more than ever, but I don't think I want it as a career. Of course, the fact that I had the most fabulous time during my O&G placement might have something to do with it. Amazing consultants, amazing doctors, amazing midwives, amazing nurses. What more do you want?

Am actually doing Paeds at the moment. After the fast-paced O&G, Paeds seem paler in contrast. It's still nice to play with children, but I keep getting distracted by them anyway to notice the important clinical signs. So yeah, I don't think I'd be a good Paeds doctor although my rapport with children is great.

Went to the Royal Academy of Arts yesterday to see the 'China : The Three Emperors' exhibition. It was beyond words. You have to be there to understand. Really, it was one of the best I've seen.

Okla, dah penat cakap dah. Till next time!

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