2007 ended almost a week ago.
Happy new year to everyone (if it's not too late).
Haven't blogged for quite some time, been busy with you-know-what (work la..), and when I have off days I'm just too excited not to be working to blog (hahaha).
Read the messages some of you posted. So sorry I didn't reply to them, especially to Justin (if you're reading this). I've seen you down the corridors of Kuala Pilah Hospital so I guess your questions would've been answered by now. Hope you're finding working life okay. If you think life's good at HKP, wait until you get into the Medical department (hehe).
10 days to go before I join another department. Either O&G or Surgery. Haven't found out which one yet (never found the time to go to the office to check).
My 4 months' rotation in Medicine is almost coming to an end. I wanna say something shocking, although I realise after this revelation some people may advise me to get my brain scanned, or seek psychiatric treatment. You ready? Here it is :
Think I'm crazy, huh? Yeah, I think so too.
I'm gonna miss being a medical houseman. Although I won't miss the crazy on-call nights. And it seems to me that all these patients wait until the day (AND night..especially at night..or very early morning) when I'm on-call to come to hospital. My colleagues have good on-calls, there was one time when there were only TWO admissions for that day (jealous betul...I'm still jealous..). Moi? During my last on call I slept for only half an hour. Had eleven admissions that night,one after another. Good thing I had a good on-call partner who helped me out. Once I was just so tired that I put my pen and stethoscope down, declared to the staff nurse that I SIMPLY had to sleep or go bonkers.
Kena mandi bunga nih...
Otherwise, I'm quite happy. My MO told me that my boss praised me the other day. Being a houseman can make you feel overworked and underappreciated, so any good word (especially from your boss) goes a very long way. That actually keeps me going. (This is what we call 'positive reinforcement'. To all bosses/future bosses out there, remember that your subordinates need a positive word or two once in a while).
Work's not without its funny moments though. I had a schizophrenic patient in the ward who had a crush on me. He was always hanging around the ward counter whenever I was there doing my work. And I actually had a marriage proposal from him! Of course I said no, and then he declared that he'd remain single for the rest of his life.
It was kinda funny, but I became a bit wary of him after that.
Darn. I must be slipping, only crazy men want me.
Any sane takers out there??
Just kidding.
There was another funny incident involving another schizophrenic patient, but it's kinda embarassing so I won't share it here (but if you're curious, ask me personally and I'll tell you).
Well, 2007 has passed, welcome 2008! As the years before, I won't make any new year resolutions since it's simply a waste of time. I'd forget my resolutions the next day. Let's just wish for a good year, and may we improve ourselves in many ways.