Wednesday, March 28, 2007

I am not...

a good person by default.

I have to remind myself many times in a day, that I should speak kind words, do good deeds, be thoughtful. Remind myself of who I am, and what I am.

There are times when I can be completely thoughtless towards other people. I’m not proud of this at all, it usually happens when I’m not paying enough attention.

But that doesn’t mean that I’m any less sincere in my actions than other people. It’s just that I have to try harder.

I’ve seen people where being good is like second nature to them. I wonder how they do it?

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Ask me no questions....

..and I'll tell you no lies.

I'm not one to tell you things only to make you feel better.

I prefer to say things as they are**. And I appreciate the same from others, no matter how brutal.

At least that way, we'll always know where we stand.

**Of course I'll put it nicely la. I do understand the power of a well-phrased criticism compared to a poorly delivered one that can be seen only as an insult.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

On being weird..


Yes, I’m still alive.

Back in Seremban for the weekend, going back to Kota Bharu early Monday morning so I can meet my elective supervisor by 9 am (hopefully)

Have done 2 weeks of anaesthetics. Having a really good time, really nice doctors and nurses. Hope I’ll have lots of colleagues like them when I start working.

On another note, got tagged by Kit and Niesa. So here goes….


Rules : People who are tagged should write a blog post of 6 weird things about them..etc, etc. (The instruction’s too long, I’m sure you got the gist of it)

6 weird things about Hani Izhar

#1 : I love airplane food. Don’t ask why, I just do

#2 : While on a long-haul flight, no matter how many hundred movies there are to watch, I’ll always end up watching the same movie over and over again.

#3 : I clean my room when I get stressed. Usually in the wee hours of the morning

#4 : I wash my hands with soap hundreds of times a day. Even when I’m taking my shower

#5 : I can sleep soundly even though my next door neighbour and his friends scream their lungs out while playing computer games, but the sound of water dripping from the tap against the dead silence of the night drives me crazy.

#6 : When it comes to movies and the music industry, I have more in common with your parents who grew up during the 50s/60s/70s. I think I was born in the wrong era. *I've actually changed this entry. Reading the original made me a bit embarassed of myself*

If you do any of the things I’ve mentioned you wouldn’t think of it as weird. Everyone has his/her own little quirks.

Oh yeah, the rules also said that I’m supposed to tag 6 people. Most of the people I know have done it, so I’m tagging anyone else who hasn’t done it.

It’s 11.30 p.m. I’m already sleepy. I must be getting old.