Saturday, February 24, 2007
alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah
Friday, February 16, 2007
It's been a week (and one day, to be exact) since I first set foot on Malaysian soil after quite sometime (
Feels like I sat for the finals in another lifetime. It's like a distant memory (cewah). But it'll come back to haunt me; next Friday to be exact, when I get the results. Just hoping for the best.
Still in Seremban. Had to postpone my flight to Kota Bharu due to circumstances. Going on Sunday.
Been spending time with Azureen. She's all grown up! Has quite an impressive repertoire of songs she can sing. In fact, she sings most of the time. Pantang tengok orang masuk bilik. She'll knock on the door and say "Mak Ngah, Een (that's what she calls herself) nak masuk Mak Ngah.." several times.
Cammane org tak cair?
Also saw the movie "Cinta". Bought the original vcd**, but the somehow the quality wasn't that good. The movie looked dark for some reason, even after I changed the tv settings. Have to try it again on my laptop.
Will review the movie once I watch it again properly. Have to say though, despite its shortcomings it wasn't half as bad. I did have a few bones to pick after watching it yesterday night, but I thought I'd see it again before forming a fixed opinion (yeah if the fate of the local movie industry hangs upon what I think). Besides, having a two year-old running around the living room while I was trying to watch the movie didn't help much with my concentration.
On another note, the new season of Naruto has been released! Woohooo!! Punyalah lama tunggu diorang nak sambung citer tu. I hated the filler episodes. But now it's back!!
**Although I AM guilty of supporting the pirated dvd industry (or anything I can get from the internet) for some reason I always make it a point to buy original vcds of local productions. Maybe because they don't do them on dvds (I may be wrong, forgive my ignorance) and pirated vcds are just bad (in all aspects). Original vcds are affordable enough, I guess