Thursday, August 10, 2006

Hooked on...


(Heck, I wasn't even a rock fan before this)

Now THAT'S what I call a reality-tv show full of talents!!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

A Picture Says a Thousand Words....

This is for Azureen's Mak Su in Australia :

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

She sends her love and lots and lots of wet kisses!! (Believe me, they ARE wet!)

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Back in Malaysia

Alhamdulillah, dah selamat sampai

Had a really good flight home, I got upgraded to Business Class!! (hehe..*gelak evil*)

Been spending time at home with Azureen, she's quite a handful but TOTALLY ADORABLE! Pictures later.

In the meantime, my hp number while in Msia is 017-3575130. Sesape yang nak pegi berpoya-poya, panggillah saya, ye?