Monday, November 28, 2005

I have an exam coming up, and I'm nowhere near finishing my revision.
I have a project outline to hand in at 10 am tomorrow, and yet I'm still struggling to read through the journals.
My dirty laundry is spilling out of the laundry basket.
My room's a mess.

And yet, despite of all that, the world seems bright and beautiful. It's great to be alive!!

That sounds wonderfully optimistic of me, does it not?

Either that, or I've totally lost my marbles (which is most likely)

Ah, well...

Saturday, November 26, 2005

A long overdue update

Hello kengkawan! Lamer tak update. So very sorry. Have been caught up with lots of things, and during that time all my modal + ideas for my blog remained only in my head. Jangan risau, you didn't miss much, it's the usual lawak kering and my cynical comments.

Neways, update!! Kenape tetibe nak update ni ye? Senang saje jawapannye. It's because I have Locomotor exam next Friday and I'm trying to get away from studying by doing other things (seperti biasala...korang takkan tak kenal yours truly by now!).

What's been happening this past month? (In chronological order - well, sort of)

1) Hari Raya Puasa

Masih lagi bulan Syawal kan? So I'd like to wish you people out there Selamat Hari Raya. Had a really great Raya this year, with lots of visiting and makan2 (biasala, kita kan org Malaysia). I would like to (regretfully) report that all the weight lost during fasting month have been recovered plus 5% interest (ehehe takpe...seluar masih muat lagi...)

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Lepas solat Hari Raya at Msia Hall

2) I turned twenty- er..two..okay okay, twenty-three lah!

It's official. I'll be turning into a crone soon. Dah tua!!! (ehehe no offense kepada insan2 yang berumur 23+1, 23+2 dan seterusnya....)

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"Eh alamak! Ade coklat jatuh ke?"

Since I'm 23 now, does it mean I have to start acting like a responsible person??

3) I played netball for Nottingham Games

For those who know me, I bet they're having cardiac arrests right now. You see, Azhani Akmar and sports had never been mentioned in the same sentence. You can only find the association between the two in the book of antonyms (figuratively speaking, of course). The only type of sport I specialize in is 'berenang gaya kuat lentang statik'. When I told my dad about it (netball, that is), he actually laughed! Now my dad is the nothing-more-than-smiling-when-it's-funny kind of person, but I actually heard a nice hearty laugh from him! Talk about parental support! (but then I guess Abah knows me more than most people...)

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QMUL netball team and Westminster netball team

In my defence, it's not that I avoid sports like a plague, it's about finding the right people to do it with (ehehehe...alasan...alasan..).

Oookay! Next!!

4) I picked up gardening!

Okla, I exaggerated a bit. Received a flower pot of purple African violets, which are gorgeous! According to Terren (who gave me the violets) it's really easy to take care of, even a person like me can take care of it. Sure hope so. Even cactuses can die if put under my kidding!

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BUT, nevertheless, I am happy to inform that the violets are flourishing, I do water them religiously (twice a week so takla susah sangat) and to add to my collection I bought myself a pot of patio roses!

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Couldn't stop myself. Saw them at a shop at Homerton Hospital. But I read that they can grow up to 2-4 feet...hmmm...macam maner eh...

Ah, who cares. We'll cross the bridge when we come to it.


So yeah, that's the update for now...At the moment, am crazy over Malay songs..been downloading quite a few from nasib orang di perantauan...bila dah jauh baru rindu lagu2 Melayu...

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Short announcement

Yup, I'm back.

Did you miss me? (Rhetoric question, DON'T answer that. Really.)

Will write more soon (you can take it as a threat if you want).

Maybe in a few days' time.

Oh, well....